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We study how consumers interact with financial products and services to help identify potential problems in the marketplace and achieve better outcomes for all. Review our reports and analyses to help inform your decisions, policies, and practices. And, see reports that we periodically prepare about the CFPB.

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To Congress

2019 Financial Literacy Annual Report

The 2019 Financial Literacy Annual Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau details the Bureau's financial literacy activities and strategy to improve the financial literacy of consumers. Overall, this report describes the Bureau's efforts in a broad range of financial literacy areas relevant to consumers' financial lives.
To Congress

State of Bureau Websites and Digital Services

These reports provide an overview of the Bureau’s publicly available website and digital services and electronic signature usage, in accordance with the reporting requirements of the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act or the 21st Century IDEA (Public Law No. 115-336).
To Congress

Annual Report on the TILA, EFTA, and CARD Act

This Report provides the information required to be reported by provisions of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA), and the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act (CARD Act) for the periods January 1, 2016–December 31, 2016, and January 1, 2017–December 31, 2017.
Supervisory Highlights

Supervisory Highlights Consumer Reporting Special Edition, Issue No. 20 (Fall 2019)

In this special issue of Supervisory Highlights, we report examination findings in the areas of consumer reporting and furnishing of information to consumer reporting companies, pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Regulation V. The report does not impose any new or different legal requirements, and all violations described in the report are based only on those specific facts and circumstances noted during those examinations.
To Congress

Financial report fiscal year 2020

The financial report provides readers with the summary results of the BCFP’s operational activity and it is the principal statement of our accountability to the American people, the United States Congress, and the President of the United States.
Supervisory Highlights

Supervisory Highlights, Issue No. 19 (Summer 2019)

In this issue of Supervisory Highlights, we report examination findings in the areas of automobile loan origination, credit card account management, debt collection, furnishing, and mortgage origination that were generally completed between December 2018 and March 2019 (unless otherwise stated). The report does not impose any new or different legal requirements, and all violations described in the report are based only on those specific facts and circumstances noted during those examinations.
Office of Research Publication

Credit Characteristics, Credit Engagement Tools, and Financial Well-Being

This report presents results from a joint research study between the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Credit Karma. The purpose of the study is to examine how consumers’ subjective financial well-being relates to objective measures of consumers’ financial health, specifically, consumers’ credit report characteristics. The study also seeks to relate consumers’ subjective financial well-being to consumers’ engagement with financial information through educational tools.