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We study how consumers interact with financial products and services to help identify potential problems in the marketplace and achieve better outcomes for all. Review our reports and analyses to help inform your decisions, policies, and practices. And, see reports that we periodically prepare about the CFPB.

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Office of Research Publication

Quarterly Consumer Credit Trends: Recent trends in debt settlement and credit counseling

Quarterly consumer credit trends reports focus on a specific consumer financial product or issue using a longitudinal, nationally representative sample of de-identified credit records maintained by a nationwide consumer reporting agency.

Peer reviewed reports

The Bureau conducts a peer review process for research that is influential in policymaking like regulations. See our peer reviewed reports.
Office of Research Publication

The early effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on credit applications

This report uses the Bureau’s Consumer Credit Panel to study the early effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on credit applications overall, by credit score group, and across the states.
To Congress

GAO-IG Act Reporting

On January 3, 2019, the Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act (GAO-IG Act) was enacted as Public Law number 115-414. The GAO-IG Act requires agencies to annually submit a report to Congress on the status of open public audit recommendations. This report is the first published by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection in compliance with that law.
Supervisory Highlights

Supervisory Highlights, Issue No. 21 (Winter 2020)

In this issue of Supervisory Highlights, we report examination findings in the areas of debt collection, mortgage servicing, payday lending, and student loan servicing that were completed between April 2019 and August 2019.