Can I change my mind after I sign the loan closing documents for my second mortgage or refinance? What is the "right of rescission?"
My lender or broker never provided me with the notice of a right to rescind for a mortgage loan. What can I do?
I recently declared bankruptcy. Now my mortgage servicer said it’s not allowed to send me a monthly mortgage statement. Is that correct?
I recently inherited a house. The mortgage lender said it's required to determine my "ability to repay" before it will let me take over the mortgage loan. Is this true?
My loan officer says that I can't apply for a mortgage loan and receive a Loan Estimate until I can provide a copy of a signed purchase contract, is that correct?
My loan officer said that I need to express my —Intent to Proceed— in order for my mortgage loan application to move forward. What does that mean?
I received a revised Loan Estimate from my lender showing a higher interest rate and increased closing costs. What does this mean?
Why is the title insurance premium on the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure different from the premium listed on the paperwork I received from the title insurance company? Am I being charged more?
Is there a limit on how much my mortgage lender can make me pay into an escrow account for interest and taxes?
My mortgage servicer has not responded to a notice of error or information request that I sent. What can I do?