Talking about money choices, big and small
- English
- Español
As you talk to your kids about money, when you talk to them is less important than how you talk to them. When you take into consideration where your children are in their financial development, you can talk to them about important events and build skills they’ll use later in life.
Some topics may be sensitive for your family. Keep in mind that children absorb much more than the words you say—they’re aware of your moods and attitudes too. Start a conversation when you sense it can be productive and comfortable.
The youth financial capabilities survey can help you talk about money choices with your child
CFPB has developed a survey to help young people in grades 3-12 understand money skills, attitudes, and knowledge. The guide for parents and caregivers can help you identify your child's areas of strength and areas for growth.

Common family events can lead to money talks
Getting a pet
Having a pet join your household can feed interest in talking about money.
Buying a car
Getting new transportation can drive a whole new money conversation.
Paying with a credit card
Swiping a credit card instead of using cash or checks can charge up a conversation.
Moving to a new home
Moving out of your old home and into a new one can open the door to a money talk.
Paying bills
Taking care of household expenses can spur a money management conversation.