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How to find help responding to elder financial abuse

On this page you will find contact information for resources that provide help for responding to elder financial abuse.

Local and state resources

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Adult Protective Services (APS)
Find state or local agencies that receive and investigate reports of suspected elder or vulnerable adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation through the national Eldercare Locator. The National Adult Protective Services Association also lists contact information for APS offices by state. 

Visit Eldercare Locator
Call 800-677-1116
Visit NAPSA site  

Area Agency on Aging/Aging and Disability Resource Center (AAA/ADRC)
Find local agencies that provide information about aging and disability services, including resources for caregivers, through the national Eldercare Locator. 

Visit Eldercare Locator
Call 800-677-1116

Elder care mediation
Search for mediators who can help find solutions to disagreements among family members and other individuals about caregiving and finances.  

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Long-term care ombudsman program
The National Long-term Care Ombudsman Resource Center has detailed information about ombudsman roles and programs. You can also find state and local long-term care ombudsman programs through the national Eldercare Locator. 

Visit LTC Ombudsman Resource Center
Call 202-332-2275
Visit Eldercare Locator  

Police or sheriff
The National Neighborhood Watch has a search tool you can use to find your local law enforcement agency. You can also check your local directory or search online.  

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State attorney general
Find your state attorney general on the National Association of Attorneys General website.  

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Free legal services for people over age 60
Find local programs that provide free legal help to people over age 60 through the national Eldercare Locator. 

Visit Eldercare Locator
Call 800-677-1116

Free legal services for people with low income
Find local programs that provide free legal help to lower-income individuals on the Legal Services Corporation website. 

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Private or fee-for-service lawyers
Find a lawyer in any state using the American Bar Association’s website. 

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Information on laws about elder financial abuse
The U.S. Department of Justice provides an overview of state civil and criminal laws about elder financial abuse.  

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Information on legal issues affecting people living in nursing homes and assisted living communities
The National Center on Law & Elder Rights has information on legal assistance, financial security, guardianship, decision-making capacity, and other topics. 

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Description Action

Help finding benefits
BenefitsCheckUp, a free service from the National Council on Aging, helps adults age 55+ identify benefits that could save them money and cover the costs of everyday expenses. 

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Medicaid/medical assistance
Find a listing of state agencies that provide Medicaid or medical assistance on the federal website. 

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Social Security
Find information about Social Security benefits, appeals, and representative payees. 

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Veterans benefits
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides information about eligibility, health and long-term care benefits, and in-home care for veterans. 

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Help from federal agencies

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Federal Trade Commission
The FTC has information about identifying and reporting fraud and scams.  

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Report fraud or scams  

Internet crimes
The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center has a tip sheet on international internet scams and accepts complaints about online crime. 

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Scams by mail
Contact the United States Postal Inspection Service about any scams that use the U.S. mail service. 

Report mail scams
Call 877-876-2455

Social Security scams
Report stolen Social Security numbers or Social Security scams online or to the Social Security Administration Fraud Hotline. 

Report scams
Call 800-269-0271

U.S. Department of Justice
Find other types of support in your state or community for people experiencing elder abuse. 

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Find resources in your neighborhood  

Other resources

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Resources for health care and long-term care professionals
The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) provides links to information and resources to help identify elder fraud and financial abuse, including a screening tool for clinicians. 

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Elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation
The National Center on Elder Abuse has research, training, and resources to help prevent elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. 

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National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative
This program works to prevent and identify abuse of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian older adults. 

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