I made a cash deposit into my checking account. I attempted a withdrawal later that day and was told I could not withdraw until tomorrow. Can the bank do this?
I opened a new checking account and my bank/credit union won't let me withdraw my funds. Can the bank/credit union do this?
A "veteran's advisor" said they could help me get my Aid and Attendance benefit from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for a fee. Is this legitimate?
I am in the military, are there limits on how much I can be charged for a loan like a mortgage, student loan, auto loan, or credit card balance?
I received a check and tried to cash it at the bank/credit union that holds the account on which the check is written. The bank/credit union charged me a fee for cashing a check. Can a bank/credit union do that?
I opened a "free" checking account but there are fees charged on my account. Can my bank/credit union do that?
I opened a "free" checking account. I received a notice from the bank/credit union stating that it had decided to start charging monthly fees. Can the bank/credit union do this?
I lost a check written to me. Someone forged my signature on the back of the check and then cashed it. What can I do?
I wrote a check, and someone forged the endorsement and cashed the check. My bank/credit union won't return my money to my account. Am I responsible?