Institutions subject to CFPB supervisory authority
The CFPB supervises a range of companies to assess their compliance with federal consumer financial laws.
We have supervisory authority over banks, thrifts, and credit unions with assets over $10 billion, as well as their affiliates. The depository institutions and affiliates included in the list below are currently under CFPB’s jurisdiction and subject to CFPB supervision and examination. In addition, we have supervisory authority over nondepository mortgage originators and servicers, payday lenders, and private student lenders of all sizes, and we supervise the larger participants of other consumer financial markets as defined by CFPB rules. To date, this includes larger participants in the following markets: consumer reporting, consumer debt collection, student loan servicing, international money transfer, and automobile financing. View the current list of supervised depository institutions and affiliates.
We may also designate other nondepository institutions for supervision if the CFPB has reasonable cause to determine that the institution’s conduct poses risks to consumers. Before an institution may be supervised on this basis, the institution is provided notice and an opportunity to respond. In some instances, the CFPB will publish final orders in supervisory designation proceedings. View the current published list of these final orders.
Current list
Depository institutions (DIs) and depository affiliates of DIs under CFPB supervision, based on September 30, 2024, Call Report data:
Historical lists
September 30, 2023 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2022 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2021 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2020 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2019 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2018 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2017 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2016 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2015 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2014 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2013 PDF | Excel
September 30, 2012 PDF | Excel
Published documents from supervisory designation proceedings
The CFPB has issued and published the following documents in supervisory designation proceedings:
World Acceptance
Decision & Order – Nov. 30, 2023
Decision & Order – Nov. 8, 2024