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Forms and information for parties of administrative proceedings

Forms for parties appearing before the administrative law judge

Translation and interpretation services and accommodation requests

Persons who need translation and interpretation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in an OAA program or activity should contact the OAA docket clerk at [email protected] as soon as possible. 

The request must identify:

  • the date, time, location, and title of the meeting or activity, if applicable
  • the nature of the assistance requested
  • contact information for the requester


Respondents in an adjudication proceeding may, at any time, propose a settlement. For more information on the settlement procedures, see the Rules of Practice for Adjudication Proceedings , 12 C.F.R. § 1081.120.

Requests for certified copies

To request a certified copy of a document in OAA’s docket, submit the request to the OAA docket clerk at [email protected].

Requests for transcripts

To request copies of transcripts of any administrative proceeding, contact the OAA docket clerk at [email protected].