Forms and information for parties of administrative proceedings
Forms for parties appearing before the administrative law judge
- Notice of Appearance
- Electronic Filing Procedures
- Non-Electronic Filing Procedures
- Subpoena to Testify at Hearing
- Subpoena to Testify at Deposition
- Subpoena to Produce Documents or Permit Inspection of Premises
- Scheduling Conference Checklist Form
- Certificate of Service
- Consent to Electronic Service
Translation and interpretation services and accommodation requests
Persons who need translation and interpretation services or a reasonable accommodation to participate in an OAA program or activity should contact the OAA docket clerk at [email protected] as soon as possible.
The request must identify:
- the date, time, location, and title of the meeting or activity, if applicable
- the nature of the assistance requested
- contact information for the requester
Respondents in an adjudication proceeding may, at any time, propose a settlement. For more information on the settlement procedures, see the Rules of Practice for Adjudication Proceedings , 12 C.F.R. § 1081.120.
Requests for certified copies
To request a certified copy of a document in OAA’s docket, submit the request to the OAA docket clerk at [email protected].
Requests for transcripts
To request copies of transcripts of any administrative proceeding, contact the OAA docket clerk at [email protected].