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Diversity and inclusion self-assessment for regulated entities

The Dodd-Frank Act requires the CFPB’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion to assess the diversity policies and practices of the entities the CFPB regulates.

Submit an assessment 

You can submit your assessment online, by mail, or by email.

If you would like to print and mail in a self-assessment form you may do so by mailing to CFPB OMWI, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552.

You can also email a copy of your completed self-assessment to [email protected].

Download instructions for preparing and sending your self-assessment form

Download self-assessment form

Complete online assessment

Complete online assessment


In 2015, an interagency policy statement established joint standards for assessing the diversity policies and practices of entities regulated by the agencies. These standards provide a framework for advancing workforce and supplier diversity based on leading policies and practices.

Frequently asked questions

You can also view our FAQ handout .

Regulated entities may submit their self-assessment to their primary regulator. Primary regulators have agreed to share assessments with an agency that has overlapping jurisdiction.

If you have a different primary regulator we encourage you to also submit an assessment to the CFPB. You can email a copy of your completed self-assessment to [email protected] or you can request that the CFPB obtain a copy of your submitted self-assessment from your primary regulator.

As required by Section 342 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFPB will annually report information to Congress regarding diversity and inclusion within the financial services industry in aggregate.

We will not provide information on specific institutions without express consent from the institution.

  • We will keep any information you share confidential to the extent permitted by law and in accordance with the Bureau’s confidentiality rules, 12 C.F.R. Part 1070.
  • This means that any commercial or financial information that you share with the Bureau, which you both customarily and actually treat as private, will be treated as confidential information in accordance with our rules.
  • We will not voluntarily publicly disclose information you marked as confidential business information in a manner that would directly or indirectly identify you or another entity or individual.
  • As permitted by our enabling statutes and regulations, we may voluntarily publicly disclose such information in a manner that would not directly or indirectly identify you or another entity or individual, such as through aggregated data summaries.
  • Note that we may be required to disclose some of your information in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (but we would provide you notice and an opportunity to object).
  • We may also be required to disclose some of your information in response to a request from Congress, or a request from a court.
  • We may share your information with other regulators.

The CFPB OMWI will provide information regarding best practices related to diversity and inclusion programs. The OMWI will also provide assistance with completing the self-assessment form and is available to answer any questions that institutions may have. The CFPB may periodically produce diversity and inclusion guides.

No. The diversity and inclusion self-assessment process is completely unrelated to the Bureau’s supervisory or enforcement activities. No regulatory action will be taken related to submission of a diversity and inclusion self-assessment.

No. Any information that is submitted to the CFPB OMWI related to diversity and inclusion programming is maintained within the OMWI and is not shared with other offices or divisions.