Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
took action against Chime Financial for failing to give
consumers timely refunds when their accounts were closed.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today took
action against National Collegiate Student Loan Trusts and
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency for
multi-year servicing failures.
CFPB actuó contra National Collegiate Student Loan Trusts
y Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, por
fallas an administración de préstamos estudiantiles.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today
released a report detailing the complex costs and fees
that many consumers with health savings accounts are
forced to pay.
The CFPB today released research showing that 15 million
Americans still have medical bills on their credit reports
despite changes by Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
CFPB publica reporte mostrando que hay 15 millones de
personas que todavía tienen facturas médicas en sus
informes de crédito, a pesar de cambios efectuados en sus
procesos por Equifax, Experian y TransUnion.
As Americans suddenly realized they could not withdraw
their funds from Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX in November 2022,
they wondered whether they would ever get their money
back. In FTX’s bankruptcy filing was an unusual item: a
deposit account held by FTX worth roughly $50 million at
Farmington State Bank.
CFPB publica una edición de su Reporte de Supervisión
descibriendo sus acciones para combatir tarifas
inesperadas cobradas por administradores de hipotecas.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published
an edition of Supervisory Highlights describing the
agency’s actions to combat junk fees charged by mortgage
The CFPB issued an order against BloomTech and its CEO for
deceiving students about the cost of loans and making
false claims about graduates’ hiring rates.
CFPB demanda al centro de entrenamiento intensivo
BloomTech y a su gerente general Austen Allred, por
ocultar costos de préstamos y engañar a sus estudiantes
sobre índices de empleo.
A letter written by Brian Shearer, CFPB Assistant Director
of the Office of Policy Planning and Strategy, to Senator
Matt Lesser of the Connecticut State Senate
General Counsel of the CFPB Seth Frotman provided a
statement regarding the National Consumer Law Center /
National Association of Consumer Advocates Spring
On July 17, 2023, Rohit Chopra, Director of the United
States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Didier
Reynders, Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection
of the European Commission, announced the start of an
informal dialogue between the European Commission and the
CFPB on a range of critical consumer financial protection
The CFPB’s Deputy Director submits this CFPB comment to
the Illinois Joint Committee on the state’s proposed
community reinvestment rules, specifically in support of
provisions addressing appraisal bias.
The CFPB today published an edition of Supervisory
Highlights to share key findings from recent examinations
about continuing accuracy problems in the credit reporting