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November 2021 Combined Community Bank Advisory Council and Credit Union Advisory Council Meeting

Held Via WebEx - @
The Community Bank Advisory Council and the Credit Union Advisory Council will meet and discuss broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority. Discussions will include Section 1071 NPRM, Age Friendly Banking, and Youth Financial Literacy K-12.

November 2021 Consumer Advisory Board Meeting

Held Via WebEx - @
The Consumer Advisory Board will discuss broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority. Discussions will include Section 1071 NPRM, Age Friendly Banking, and Appraisal and Valuation Bias.

August 2021 Academic Research Council Meeting

Held Via WebEx - @
The ARC will discuss broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority. The ARC will also discuss research methodologies and assist with providing direction for consumer finance research at the Bureau.

August 2021 Combined Community Bank Advisory Council and Credit Union Advisory Council Meeting

Held Via WebEx - @
The Community Bank Advisory Council and the Credit Union Advisory Council will meet and discuss broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority. Discussions will include recent Bureau initiatives related to the COVID-19 pandemic and trends and themes in the mortgage, and student lending marketplace.

August 2021 Consumer Advisory Board Meeting

Held Via WebEx - @
The CAB will discuss broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority. Discussions will include recent Bureau initiatives related to the COVID-19 recovery and trends and themes in the mortgage, and student lending marketplace.

Virtual hearing on home appraisal bias

Virtual event, Livecast - @
Featuring remarks from Acting Director Dave Uejio and civil rights organizations, housing policy experts, and other federal agencies.

Listening Session with Members of the Bureau's Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law

Meeting Held Via Conference Line - @
The advisory committees will meet with the Bureau’s Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law to share recommendations on improvements to the current state of federal consumer protection laws, regulations, and practices. This meeting is part of the Taskforce’s ongoing public outreach effort to solicit feedback to inform its work.