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Archive of past events

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Get to know how people use banks today

FDIC’s Household Survey studies bank account ownership and use of other financial products and services. CFPB’s Age-Friendly and Relationship Banking Survey studies access to banks and credit unions, with a focus on older adults’ experiences and preferences. You will hear about findings from the surveys and ways that policymakers could respond.

Payments Industry Practices for Combatting Elder Financial Exploitation

Elder financial exploitation (EFE) is the illegal or improper use of an older adult’s funds, property, or assets. This can include financial abuse committed by someone the elder knows, or financial fraud committed by a stranger. This webinar will feature ways financial institutions and financial technologies that process electronic payments can play important roles in combatting EFE.

Spring 2024 Consumer Advisory Board Meeting

Washington, DC, CFPB Headquarters, Livecast - @
The CFPB Consumer Advisory Board will meet to discuss broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority.