Supervision and Examination Records
The Supervision and Examination Records system of records enables the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Supervision Division (Supervision) to operate its supervision program in order to carry out its supervisory and examination authorities under Federal consumer financial law with respect to depository institutions (e.g., banks, savings associations, credit unions) and non-depository institutions (herein collectively referred to as supervised institutions), and their affiliates and service providers subject to the authority of the CFPB.
Who is covered: The CFPB collects and maintains information on individuals who are current or former directors, officers, employees, agents, shareholders, and independent contractors of covered persons or service providers subject to the supervision of the CFPB; customers, prospective customers, or similar individuals who have been contacted by covered persons or service providers or are the subject of a consumer financial product or service; Federal, State, local and other government regulators involved in an action or matter; and CFPB staff assigned to monitor supervised institutions.
What information is collected: This system of records collects and maintains information on customers, prospective customers, or similar individuals who have been contacted by covered persons or service providers or are the subject of a consumer financial product or service, including but not limited to full name, date of birth (DOB); contact information (e.g., address, phone number, e-mail address), and account information (e.g., account numbers, information collected regarding consumer products and services) and demographic information (e.g., gender) associated with an individual; contact information for officials of institutions including, without limitation, name, address, phone number, and e-mail address; contact information for staff of Federal, State, local and other government regulators, including, without limitation, name, address, phone number, and e-mail address; information about CFPB employees assigned to supervision tasks, including, without limitation, name, address, phone number, and e-mail address, and other employment information; and Confidential Supervision Information or Personal Information, including information relating to individuals that is derived from Confidential Supervisory Information or from consumer complaints.
Why is the information collected: This system enables the CFPB to carry out its responsibilities with respect to supervised institutions to ensure compliance with Federal consumer protection laws and identify unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices in connection with consumer financial products and services. The CFPB’s use of records covered by this system of records are for the following purposes: (1) To conduct and coordinate examinations and reports, supervisory evaluations and analyses, and enforcement actions (including both CFPB activities and collaborations with other financial regulatory agencies); (2) To track and store examination and inspection documents created during the performance of CFPB’s statutory duties; and (3) For administrative purposes to ensure quality control, performance, and improving management processes.
System of records notice
History for this System of Records Notice
89 FR 73077; 85 FR 3659; 85 FR 3649; 83 FR 23435; 76 FR 45765; 76 FR 45761