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CFPB v. Stephen Lyster Siringoringo, d/b/a Siringoringo Law Firm, Clausen and Cobb Management Company, Inc. and Joshua Cobb

On July 22, 2014, the Bureau filed a complaint in federal court against Stephen Lyster Siringoringo, also d/b/a Siringoringo Law Firm, Clausen & Cobb Management Company, Inc., and Joshua Cobb.

The CFPB alleged that the defendants, who offered purported home-loan modifications, asked for and received fees from consumers before the consumers had entered into loan-modification agreements with their lenders or loan servicers; defendants misrepresented aspects of their services, including the likelihood that they would obtain loan modifications on behalf of consumers; and defendants failed to make disclosures required by law. The CFPB alleged that this conduct violated Regulation O, formerly known as the Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (MARS) Rule.

Victim compensation

In August 14, 2020, the CFPB began mailing checks to eligible consumers who paid illegal upfront fees to the defendants for home-loan modification services. The CFPB has contracted with Epiq Systems Class Action & Claims Solutions to administer payments for this case and to answer questions from consumers.

For questions related to this case, please:

  • Call: 1-855-963-0389 (Toll-Free)
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Write: CFPB v. Siringoringo Civil Penalty Fund, Third Party Administrator, PO Box 3747, Portland, OR 97208-3747

Important dates

August 14, 2020 – Ongoing: Distribution

More information about the case

Read the court orders

Read the press release