CFPB v. Performance SLC, LLC, Performance Settlement, LLC and Daniel Crenshaw
We are the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a federal government agency that enforces laws that protect consumers. The CFPB sued and reached a settlement with Performance SLC, LLC, Performance Settlement, LLC and Daniel Crenshaw.
The Bureau filed a lawsuit against Performance SLC, LLC, Performance Settlement, LLC, and Daniel Crenshaw for charging illegal upfront fees, using deceptive sales tactics, and violating the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 and the Telemarketing Sales Rule. The court entered a proposed stipulated judgment and order that bans these companies from offering debt-relief services, imposes a monetary judgment for redress, and requires Crenshaw to pay a civil money penalty.
Victim compensation
The CFPB has contracted RUST Consulting to administer payments for this case and answer consumers' questions. For questions related to this case, please:
- Call: 1-888-396-6086
- Email: [email protected]
- Write: CFPB v. Performance SLC, Third Party Administrator - 8377, P.O. Box 2561, Fairbault, MN 55021-9561
Important dates
February 15, 2024 – Ongoing: Distribution