Filing instructions guide for small business lending data collected in 2024
1. What is the filing instructions guide?
The 2024 filing instructions guide is a set of resources to help you file small business lending data with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in 2025 covering the period from October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. These resources are briefly described in this section and are further detailed throughout this web page in individual sections.
These resources may be useful for employees in a variety of roles, for example:
- Staff who collect, prepare, and submit data
- Technology support staff
- Compliance officers
The guide includes the following sections:
Filing process overview
Section 2 provides an overview of the process to file small business lending data with the CFPB. It describes the data submission platform (the platform), which is the system that filers will use to submit their data. It also describes the file format that will be required for submitting the data.
Data points
Section 3 provides instructions for what to enter into each data field in the small business lending application register (register). A machine-readable version of the data specification is provided.
Data validation
Section 4 lists the validation requirements that a register must meet before it can be filed with the CFPB. A machine-readable version of the validation specification is provided.
Where to get help
Section 5 provides a summary of resources available from the CFPB to assist with small business lending rule-related inquiries.
2. Filing process overview
This section provides instructions on filing small business lending data with the CFPB. This document is not a substitute for the small business lending rule, found in Regulation B (12 CFR part 1002), Subpart B. Refer to the rule for guidance and clarification regarding the reporting requirements for each data field.
2.1. About the small business lending platform
Filers will submit their data to the platform via a web interface. There will be a process for individuals representing a financial institution to register for an account to access the online submission platform.
Using the platform, each filer will provide financial institution identifying information per 12 CFR § 1002.109(b). The platform will walk filers through the small business lending application register filing process, including uploading data, performing validation checks on the data, and certifying the data. An authorized representative of the filer with knowledge of the data submitted will certify to the accuracy and completeness of the data submitted.
2.2. File format
Your register must be submitted in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.
Your CSV file should adhere to the following standards:
- The register must be a comma-delimited text file.
- The first line of the file is a header row. The contents of the header row must be the column names specified in the Data points section of this guide, in the order of the field numbering used in the guide, separated by commas.
- Each following line of the file represents a covered application record. Each record in the file must contain the data fields described in the Data points section of this guide, in order, corresponding to the order of the column names in the header row.
- Each data field within each row must be separated with a comma (","). That means that if you leave a field blank, the field should still be denoted by commas (example: three fields containing 1, [blank], 3 would be formatted as 1,,3).
- If any field contains space(s) (" ") before and/or after the comma delimiter, the space(s) will be ignored.
- This is not a fixed-width formatted file. Do not include leading zeros, tabs, or spaces for the purpose of making a data field a specific number of characters.
- If a field contains a comma character, the field must be enclosed in double quotes (e.g., "Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians of Oregon"). Fields not containing a comma can also be enclosed in double quotes, but this is not required.
- No field in a row may contain a line break, newline, or carriage-return. Line breaks should only appear at the end of a row. Each row of the file should represent a whole application record.
- Files must use UTF-8 encoding (note that all-ASCII files are always valid UTF-8).
Any file not conforming to these specifications cannot be submitted as a register.
3. Data points
This section provides instructions on entering data in the small business lending application register for small business lending data collected in 2024. This document is not a substitute for the rule, found in Regulation B (12 CFR part 1002), Subpart B. Refer to the rule for guidance and clarification regarding the reporting requirements for each data field.
Data fields are presented below in the order they are recorded in the register. For a machine-readable view of the data specification, see the following link:
3.1 Unique identifier
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(1)
Field 1: Unique identifier
Column name
- Field type: Text (width 21 to 45 characters)
- Required for all application records
Enter a unique identifier for each application or extension of credit that:
- Begins with the financial institution's Legal Entity Identifier as defined in comment 1002.109(b)(6)-1
- Follows the Legal Entity Identifier with up to 25 additional characters to identify the covered loan or application, which:
- May be uppercase letters, numerals, or a combination of uppercase letters and numerals (cannot contain dashes, other special characters, or characters with diacritics)
- Must be unique within the financial institution
- Must not include any information that could be used to directly identify the applicant or borrower
- 10BX939C5543TQA1144M999143938
- Must be at least 21 characters in length and at most 45 characters in length
- May contain any combination of numbers and/or uppercase letters (i.e., 0-9 and A-Z), and must not contain any other characters
- May not be used in more than one record within a small business lending application register
- The first 20 characters should match the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for the financial institution
3.2 Application date
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(2)
Field 2: Application date
Column name
- Field type: Date
- Required for all application records
Enter, in numeral form, the date the application was received or the date shown on the application form by year, month, and day, using YYYYMMDD format.
- For October 1, 2024, enter 20241001
- Must be a real calendar date using YYYYMMDD format
3.3 Application method
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(3)
Field 3: Application method
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the means by which the applicant submitted the application by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes |
1 | Code 1 - In-person |
2 | Code 2 - Telephone |
3 | Code 3 - Online |
4 | Code 4 - Mail |
- Must equal 1, 2, 3 or 4
3.4 Application recipient
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(4)
Field 4: Application recipient
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the application recipient by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes |
1 | Code 1 - The applicant submitted the application directly to the financial institution or its affiliate |
2 | Code 2 - The applicant submitted the application indirectly to the financial institution via a third party |
- Must equal 1 or 2
3.5 Credit type
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(5)
Field 5: Credit product
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(5)(i)
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the credit product by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Term loan - unsecured | |
2 | Code 2 - Term loan - secured | |
3 | Code 3 - Line of credit - unsecured | |
4 | Code 4 - Line of credit - secured | |
5 | Code 5 - Credit card account, not private-label | |
6 | Code 6 - Private-label credit card account | |
7 | Code 7 - Merchant cash advance | |
8 | Code 8 - Other sales-based financing transaction | |
977 | Code 977 - Other | When this code is entered, also specify the credit product in the associated free-form text field. |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined | Enter code 988 if the credit product is not provided by applicant and is otherwise undetermined. |
- Must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 977, or 988
Field 6: Free-form text field for other credit products
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(5)(i)
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'credit product' is code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Specify in text the other credit product if code 977 is entered.
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 7: Type of guarantee
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(5)(ii)
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the type or types of guarantees by entering up to five of the specified codes. If there is more than one type of guarantee, enter each, in any order, separated by a semicolon. A maximum of five types of guarantees, including any 'other' guarantee(s) specified in the free-form text field, may be entered.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Personal guarantee - owner(s) | |
2 | Code 2 - Personal guarantee - non-owner(s) | |
3 | Code 3 - SBA guarantee - 7(a) program | |
4 | Code 4 - SBA guarantee - 504 program | |
5 | Code 5 - SBA guarantee - other | |
6 | Code 6 - USDA guarantee | |
7 | Code 7 - FHA insurance | |
8 | Code 8 - Bureau of Indian Affairs guarantee | |
9 | Code 9 - Other Federal guarantee | |
10 | Code 10 - State government guarantee | |
11 | Code 11 - Local government guarantee | |
977 | Code 977 - Other | When this code is entered, also specify the type of guarantee in the associated free-form text field. |
999 | Code 999 - No guarantee |
- Each value (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 977, or 999
- Must contain at least one and at most five values, separated by semicolons
- When code 999 is reported, should not contain any other values
- Should not contain duplicated values
Field 8: Free-form text field for other guarantee
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(5)(ii)
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'type of guarantee' contains code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Specify in text the other guarantee if code 977 is entered. If there is more than one other guarantee, separate each with a semicolon.
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 9: Loan term: NA/NP flag
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(5)(iii)
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether 'loan term' is applicable for this application for credit by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
900 | Code 900 - Applicable and reported | |
988 | Code 988 - Applicable but not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined | Enter code 988 if any of the following conditions apply:
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if the product type does not have a loan term, such as a credit card. |
- Must equal 900, 988, or 999
Field 10: Loan term
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(5)(iii)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'credit type: loan term: NA/NP flag' is code 900. Leave blank if code 900 is not entered.
Enter, in numerical form, the number of months in the loan term for products that have a loan term. If the product has a loan term of less than 1 month, enter 1.
- For a loan term of 36 months, enter 36
- For a loan term of less than 1 month, enter 1
- When present, must be a whole number
- When present, must be greater than or equal to 1
- When present, should be less than 1200 (100 years)
3.6 Credit purpose
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(6)
Field 11: Credit purpose
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the credit purpose(s) by entering up to three of the specified codes. If there is more than one credit purpose, enter each, in any order, separated by a semicolon.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Purchase, construction/improvement, or refinance of non-owner-occupied real property | |
2 | Code 2 - Purchase, construction/improvement, or refinance of owner-occupied real property | |
3 | Code 3 - Purchase, refinance, or rehabilitation/repair of motor vehicle(s) (including light and heavy trucks) | |
4 | Code 4 - Purchase, refinance, or rehabilitation/repair of equipment | |
5 | Code 5 - Working capital (includes inventory or floor planning) | |
6 | Code 6 - Business start-up | |
7 | Code 7 - Business expansion | |
8 | Code 8 - Business acquisition | |
9 | Code 9 - Refinance existing debt (other than refinancings listed above) | |
10 | Code 10 - Line increase | |
11 | Code 11 - Overdraft | |
977 | Code 977 - Other | When this code is entered, also specify the credit purpose in the associated free-form text field. |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined | Enter code 988 if the credit purpose for the application is not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined. |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 for a credit product that generally has indeterminate or numerous potential purposes, such as a credit card. |
- Each value (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 977, 988, or 999
- Must contain at least one and at most three values, separated by semicolons
- When code 988 or 999 is reported, should not contain any other values
- Should not contain duplicated values
Field 12: Free-form text field for other credit purpose
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'credit purpose' contains code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Specify in text the other credit purpose if code 977 is entered. Do not enter more than one other credit purpose.
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
3.7 Amount applied for
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(7)
Field 13: Amount applied for: NA/NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether 'amount applied for' is provided by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
900 | Code 900 - Applicable and reported | |
988 | Code 988 - Applicable but not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined | Enter code 988 if the product applied for does involve a specific amount requested or underwritten, but the amount requested or underwritten is not provided by the applicant and otherwise undetermined. |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if the product applied for does not involve a specific amount requested. |
- Must equal 900, 988 or 999
Field 14: Amount applied for
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'amount applied for: NA/NP flag' is code 900. Leave blank if code 900 is not entered.
Enter one of the following:
- The dollar amount for initial amount of credit/credit limit requested by applicant at the application stage
- If application is in response to a firm offer that specifies an amount or limit, the dollar amount of the firm offer, unless the applicant requested a different amount
- If application is in response to a firm offer that does not specify an amount or limit and the applicant did not request a specific amount, the dollar amount underwritten
- If application is in response to a firm offer that specifies an amount or limit as a range and the applicant did not request a specific amount, the dollar amount underwritten
- If applicant did not request a particular amount but the financial institution underwrites for a specific amount, the dollar amount underwritten
- If applicant requested a range of dollar amounts, the midpoint of that range
- If application is a request for additional amounts on an existing account, the dollar amount of additional credit requested
- For $12,345, enter 12345
- When present, must be a numeric value
- When present, must be greater than 0
3.8 Amount approved or originated
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(8)
Field 15: Amount approved or originated
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'action taken' is code 1 or 2. Report not applicable by leaving blank if codes 1 or 2 are not entered.
Enter one of the following:
- For a closed-end origination, the amount of the originated loan
- For a closed-end application, the highest amount approved if the application was approved but not accepted
- For an open-end origination, the amount of the credit limit established
- For an open-end application, the highest amount approved if the application was approved but not accepted
- For additional credit amounts that were approved for or originated on an existing account, report the additional credit amount approved or originated, and not any previous amount extended
- Leave blank if amount approved or originated is not applicable because an application is denied, withdrawn, or incomplete
- For $101.23, enter 101.23
- When present, must be a numeric value
- When present, must be greater than 0
3.9 Action taken
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(9)
Field 16: Action taken
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate what action is taken by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes |
1 | Code 1 - Originated |
2 | Code 2 - Approved but not accepted |
3 | Code 3 - Denied |
4 | Code 4 - Withdrawn by the applicant |
5 | Code 5 - Incomplete |
- Must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
3.10 Action taken date
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(10)
Field 17: Action taken date
Column name
- Field type: Date
- Required for all application records
Enter, in numeral form, the date the action was taken as a year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD).
- For October 25, 2024, enter 20241025
- Must be a real calendar date using YYYYMMDD format
- The date indicated must occur within the current reporting period: October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
3.11 Denial reasons
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(11)
Field 18: Denial reason(s)
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Required for all application records
For a denied application, indicate the principal reason(s) for denial by entering up to four of the specified codes. If there is more than one principal reason for denial, enter each, in any order, separated by a semicolon. A maximum of four denial reasons, including any 'other' denial reason(s) specified in the free-form text field, may be entered.
- If Cashflow, enter 4
- If Cashflow, Collateral, Time in business, and Government loan program criteria, enter 4;5;6;7 or 7;5;6;4 etc.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Credit characteristics of the business | |
2 | Code 2 - Credit characteristics of the principal owner(s) or guarantor(s) | |
3 | Code 3 - Use of credit proceeds | |
4 | Code 4 - Cashflow | |
5 | Code 5 - Collateral | |
6 | Code 6 - Time in business | |
7 | Code 7 - Government loan program criteria | |
8 | Code 8 - Aggregate exposure | |
9 | Code 9 - Unverifiable information | |
977 | Code 977 - Other | When this code is entered, also specify the denial reason(s) in the associated free-form text field. |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if application was not denied (i.e., application is withdrawn by applicant, incomplete, or approved but not accepted, or loan is originated by the financial institution). |
- Each value (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 977, or 999
- Must contain at least one and at most four values, separated by semicolons
- When code 999 is reported, should not contain any other values
- Should not contain duplicated values
Field 19: Free-form text field for other denial reason(s)
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'denial reason(s)' contains code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Specify in text the other denial reason(s) if code 977 is entered. If there is more than one other denial reason, separate each with a semicolon.
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
3.12 Pricing information
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)
- Field 20: Interest rate type
- Field 21: Initial rate period
- Field 22: Fixed rate: interest rate
- Field 23: Adjustable rate transaction: margin
- Field 24: Adjujstable rate transaction: index name
- Field 25: Adjustable rate transaction: index name: other
- Field 26: Adjustable rate transaction: index value
- Field 27: Total origination charges
- Field 28: Amount of total broker fees
- Field 29: Initial annual charges
- Field 30: MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag
- Field 31: MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing
- Field 32: Prepayment penalty could be imposed
- Field 33: Prepayment penalty exists
Field 20: Interest rate type
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(i)
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the type of interest rate relevant to this transaction by entering one of the specified codes. If any code besides 999 is reported, use the subsequent fields to report the initial rate period, fixed rate transaction information, and adjustable rate transaction information, as applicable.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - The transaction has a adjustable interest rate and does not have an initial rate period | |
2 | Code 2 - The transaction has a fixed interest rate and does not have an initial rate period | |
3 | Code 3 - The transaction has an initial rate period greater than 12 months, during which the interest rate is adjustable | |
4 | Code 4 - The transaction has an initial rate period greater than 12 months, during which the interest rate is fixed | |
5 | Code 5 - The transaction has an initial rate period less than or equal to 12 months, after which the interest rate is adjustable | |
6 | Code 6 - The transaction has an initial rate period less than or equal to 12 months, after which the interest rate is fixed | |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if any of the following conditions apply:
- Must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 999
Field 21: Initial rate period
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(i)(B)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'interest rate type' is code 3, 4, 5, or 6. Leave blank if codes 3, 4, 5, or 6 are not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, if the transaction has an initial rate period, enter, as a whole number, the length of the initial rate period expressed in months.
- 24
- When present, must be a whole number
- When present, must be greater than 0
Field 22: Fixed rate: interest rate
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(i)(A)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'interest rate type' is code 2, 4, or 6. Leave blank if codes 2, 4, or 6 are not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, that has a covered fixed rate component, enter the interest rate, as a percentage, to at least three (3) decimal places. Numbers calculated to beyond three (3) decimal places may either be reported beyond three (3) decimal places or rounded or truncated to three (3) decimal places. Decimal place trailing zeros may be either included or omitted.
- If 4.125%, enter 4.125
- If 4.500%, enter 4.5, 4.50, or 4.500
- When present, must be a numeric value
- When present, should generally be greater than 0.1
Field 23: Adjustable rate transaction: margin
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(i)(B)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'interest rate type' is code 1, 3, or 5. Leave blank if codes 1, 3, or 5 are not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, that has a covered adjustable rate component, enter the margin rate, as a percentage, to at least three (3) decimal places. Numbers calculated to beyond three (3) decimal places may either be reported beyond three (3) decimal places or rounded or truncated to three (3) decimal places. Decimal place trailing zeros may be either included or omitted.
- If 2.525%, enter 2.525
- If 2.500%, enter 2.5, 2.50, or 2.500
- When present, must be a numeric value
- When present, should generally be greater than 0.1
Field 24: Adjujstable rate transaction: index name
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(i)(B)
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, that has a covered adjustable rate component, indicate the index name by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Wall Street Journal Prime | |
2 | Code 2 - 6-month CD rate | |
3 | Code 3 - 1-year T-Bill | |
4 | Code 4 - 3-year T-Bill | |
5 | Code 5 - 5-year T-Note | |
6 | Code 6 - 12-month average of 10-year T-Bill | |
7 | Code 7 - Cost of Funds Index (COFI) - National | |
8 | Code 8 - Cost of Funds Index (COFI) - 11th District | |
9 | Code 9 - Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT) | |
10 | Code 10 - Internal Proprietary Index | |
977 | Code 977 - Other | When this code is entered, also specify the index name in the associated free-form text field. |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if 'interest rate type' is not 1, 3, or 5. |
- Must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 977 or 999
Field 25: Adjustable rate transaction: index name: other
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(i)(B)
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'adjustable rate transaction: index name' is code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Specify in text the other index name if code 977 is entered.
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 26: Adjustable rate transaction: index value
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(i)(B)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'interest rate type' is code 1 or 3. Leave blank if codes 1 or 3 are not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, that has a covered adjustable rate component, enter the index value used to set the rate that is or would be applicable to the covered transaction, as a percentage, to at least three (3) decimal places. Numbers calculated to beyond three (3) decimal places may either be reported beyond three (3) decimal places or rounded or truncated to three (3) decimal places. Decimal place trailing zeros may be either included or omitted.
- If 1.025%, enter 1.025
- If 3.100%, enter 3.1, 3.10, or 3.100
- When present, must be a numeric value
Field 27: Total origination charges
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(ii)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'action taken' is code 1 or 2. Report not applicable by leaving blank if codes 1 or 2 are not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, enter, in dollars, the amount of the total origination charges. Enter 0 if there are no origination charges associated with the application. Leave blank if this is not applicable because the application is denied, withdrawn, or incomplete.
- If $2,500, enter 2500 or 2500.00
- If $2,582.91, enter 2582.91
- If $0, enter 0
- If -$100, enter -100
- When present, must be a numeric value
Field 28: Amount of total broker fees
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(iii)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'action taken' is code 1 or 2. Report not applicable by leaving blank if codes 1 or 2 are not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, enter, in dollars, the amount of the total broker fees. Enter 0 if there are no broker fees associated with the application. Leave blank if this is not applicable because the application is denied, withdrawn, or incomplete.
- If $1,125, enter 1125 or 1125.00
- If $1,125.76, enter 1125.76
- If $0, enter 0
- When present, must be a numeric value
Field 29: Initial annual charges
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(iv)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'action taken' is code 1 or 2. Report not applicable by leaving blank if codes 1 or 2 are not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, enter, in dollars, the amount of the total non-interest charges scheduled to be imposed over the first annual period. Enter 0 if there are no non-interest charges scheduled to be imposed over the first annual period. Leave blank if this is not applicable because the application is denied, withdrawn, or incomplete.
- If $1,034, enter 1034 or 1034.00
- If $1,034.97, enter 1034.97
- If $0, enter 0
- When present, must be a numeric value
Field 30: MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(v)
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether 'MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing' is applicable by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
900 | Code 900 - Applicable | |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if any of the following conditions apply:
- Must equal 900 or 999
Field 31: MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(v)
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag' is code 900. Leave blank if code 900 is not entered.
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, if a merchant cash advance or other sales-based financing transaction, enter, in dollars, the difference between the amount advanced and the amount to be repaid.
- If $3,500, enter 3500 or 3500.00
- If $3,527.14, enter 3527.14
- If $0, enter 0
- When present, must be a numeric value
Field 32: Prepayment penalty could be imposed
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(vi)(A)
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, indicate whether a prepayment penalty could be included under current policies and procedures by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Yes | |
2 | Code 2 - No | |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if the application is denied, withdrawn, or incomplete. |
- Must equal 1, 2 or 999
Field 33: Prepayment penalty exists
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(12)(vi)(B)
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
For originated credit and credit that is approved but not accepted, indicate whether the terms of the transaction include a prepayment penalty by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Yes | |
2 | Code 2 - No | |
999 | Code 999 - Not applicable | Enter code 999 if the application is denied, withdrawn, or incomplete. |
- Must equal 1, 2 or 999
3.13 Census tract
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(13)
Field 34: Type of address
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the type of address or location used to determine the census tract by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes |
1 | Code 1 - Address or location where the loan proceeds will principally be applied |
2 | Code 2 - Address or location of borrower's main office or headquarters |
3 | Code 3 - Another address or location associated with the applicant |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined |
- Must equal 1, 2, 3 or 988
Field 35: Tract number
Column name
- Field type: Special (width 11 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'type of address' is code 1, 2, or 3. Leave blank if code 988 is entered.
Enter the 11-digit census tract number as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau of the appropriate one of the following:
- Address where the loan proceeds will principally be applied, if known
- If the proceeds address is not known, location of borrower's main office or headquarters
- If neither of those addresses are known, another address or location associated with the applicant
- 06037264000 (a census tract within Los Angeles County, CA)
- When present, must be a GEOID with exactly 11 digits
- When present, should be a valid census tract GEOID as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau
3.14 Gross annual revenue
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(14)
Field 36: Gross annual revenue: NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether 'gross annual revenue' is reported by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
900 | Code 900 - Provided | |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined | Enter code 988 if gross annual revenue is not provided by applicant and is otherwise undetermined. |
- Must equal 900 or 988
Field 37: Gross annual revenue
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'gross annual revenue: NP flag' is code 900. Leave blank if code 900 is not entered.
Enter the dollar amount of the applicant's gross annual revenue for its preceding full fiscal year. A financial institution is permitted, but not required, to report the gross annual revenue for the applicant that includes the revenue of affiliates as well. If a business has no gross annual revenue to report (e.g., a startup, a new line of business, and/or a business with a change in structure or ownership), the financial institution would report that the applicant's gross annual revenue in its preceding full fiscal year is 0.
- If $855,430, enter 855430 or 855430.00
- If $855,430.17, enter 855430.17
- If $0, enter 0
- When present, must be a numeric value
3.15 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(15)
Field 38: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether NAICS code is provided by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
900 | Code 900 - Reported | |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined | Enter code 988 if NAICS code is not provided by applicant and is otherwise undetermined. |
- Must equal 900 or 988
Field 39: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
Column name
- Field type: Special (width 3 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: NP flag' is code 900. Leave blank if code 900 is not entered.
Enter a three-digit NAICS code appropriate for the applicant.
- 311 (a business engaged in the food processing sector)
- When present, must be exactly three numeric characters
- When present, should be a valid NAICS code
3.16 Number of workers
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(16)
Field 40: Number of workers
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate the range of the number of workers by entering one of the specified codes. Includes full-time, part-time, and seasonal workers as well as contractors working primarily for the applicant but does not include principal owners.
Valid values | Codes |
1 | Code 1 - Firms with no workers |
2 | Code 2 - Firms with 1 to 4 workers |
3 | Code 3 - Firms with 5 to 9 workers |
4 | Code 4 - Firms with 10 to 19 workers |
5 | Code 5 - Firms with 20 to 49 workers |
6 | Code 6 - Firms with 50 to 99 workers |
7 | Code 7 - Firms with 100 to 249 workers |
8 | Code 8 - Firms with 250 to 499 workers |
9 | Code 9 - Firms with 500 workers or more |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined |
- Must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 988
3.17 Time in business
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(17)
Field 41: Type of response
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether the applicant provided information on 'time in business' by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - The number of years the applicant has been in business is collected or obtained by the financial institution | Enter code 1 If you collected or otherwise obtained the number of years the applicant has been in business. When this code is entered, also specify in the associated numeric entry field the number of whole years. |
2 | Code 2 - Applicant has been in business less than two years | Enter code 2 or 3 If you did not collect or otherwise obtain the number of years the applicant has been in business as determined by you or provided by the applicant, accordingly. |
3 | Code 3 - Applicant has been in business two or more years | Enter code 2 or 3 If you did not collect or otherwise obtain the number of years the applicant has been in business as determined by you or provided by the applicant, accordingly. |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined |
- Must equal 1, 2, 3, or 988
Field 42: Time in business
Column name
- Field type: Numeric
- Conditionally required if 'time in business: type of response' is code 1. Leave blank if code 1 is not entered.
Enter the number of years the applicant has been in business, as collected or obtained by the financial institution, rounding down to the nearest whole number of years.
- 12
- When present, must be a whole number
- When present, must be greater than or equal to 0
3.18 Minority-owned, women-owned, and LGBTQI+-owned business statuses
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(18)
Field 43: Business ownership status
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether the applicant is a minority-owned, women-owned, and/or LGBTQI+-owned business by entering, as appropriate, from the specified codes. Use the codes below to report the selections that the applicant made (such as on the demographic data collection form), except where otherwise noted in 'Instructions'. If the applicant selects more than one applicable business ownership status, enter each, in any order, separated by a semicolon. If the applicant reports that they are a women-owned, minority-owned, and/or LGBTQI+-owned business but also responds that they do not wish to provide this information, enter codes 1, 2, and/or 3 as appropriate. Do not report code 966 if any other codes apply.
- If women-owned, enter 2
- If women-owned and LGBTQI+-owned, enter 2;3 or 3;2
- If LGBTQI+-owned and the applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information, enter 3
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Minority-owned business | |
2 | Code 2 - Women-owned business | |
3 | Code 3 - LGBTQI+-owned business | |
955 | Code 955 - None of these apply | |
966 | Code 966 - The applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information | Do not enter code 966 if the applicant selected any of the minority-owned business, women-owned business, or LGBTQI+-owned business response options. |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant | Enter code 988 if the applicant does not select any response options. |
- Each value (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 955, 966, or 988
- Must contain at least one value
- Should not contain duplicated values
- When code 966 or 988 is reported, should not contain any other values
3.19 Number of principal owners
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(20)
Field 44: Number of principal owners: NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Required for all application records
Indicate whether number of principal owners is provided by entering one of the specified codes.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
900 | Code 900 - Reported | |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined | Enter code 988 if number of principal owners is not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined. |
- Must equal 900 or 988
Field 45: Number of principal owners
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Conditionally required if 'number of principal owners: NP flag' is code 900. Leave blank if code 900 is not entered.
Enter the number of the applicant's principal owners. If no principal owner has at least 25% ownership of the business, enter 0.
- When present, must equal 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
3.20 Demographic information of principal owner 1
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(19)
- Field 46: Ethnicity of principal owner 1
- Field 47: Ethnicity of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
- Field 48: Race of principal owner 1
- Field 49: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
- Field 50: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Asian race
- Field 51: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
- Field 52: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
- Field 53: Sex/gender of principal owner 1: NP flag
- Field 54: Sex/gender of principal owner 1: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Field 46: Ethnicity of principal owner 1
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there is at least one principal owner. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are no principal owners.
Indicate the ethnicity of the applicant's principal owner 1 by entering, as appropriate, from the specified codes. Use the codes below to report the selections that the applicant made (such as on the demographic data collection form), except where otherwise noted in 'Instructions'. If the applicant selects more than one ethnicity for a principal owner, enter each, in any order, separated by a semicolon. If the applicant selects an ethnicity for a principal owner or responds in the free-form text field but also responds that they do not wish to provide this information, enter the ethnicity codes (1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, and/or 977) as appropriate. Do not report code 966 if any other codes apply. If an applicant responds in the free-form text field, but does not select Other Hispanic or Latino, you are permitted, but not required, to report Other Hispanic or Latino.
- If Mexican, enter 11
- If Mexican and Puerto Rican, enter 11;12 or 12;11
- If Mexican and the applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information, enter 11
- If responded Argentinean in the free form-text field but the applicant did not select Other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, enter 977. May also enter 14.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - Hispanic or Latino | |
11 | Code 11 - Mexican | |
12 | Code 12 - Puerto Rican | |
13 | Code 13 - Cuban | |
14 | Code 14 - Other Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity | |
2 | Code 2 - Not Hispanic or Latino | |
966 | Code 966 - The applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information | Do not enter code 966 if the applicant selected any of the ethnicity response options. |
977 | Code 977 - The applicant responded in the free-form text field | When this code is entered, also specify the applicant's response in the associated free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino. |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant | Enter code 988 if the applicant does not select any response options and does not respond in the free-form text field. |
- When present, each value (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 966, 977, or 988
- Should not contain duplicated values
- When code 966 or 988 is reported, should not contain any other values
Field 47: Ethnicity of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'ethnicity of principal owner 1' contains code 977. Report not applicable by leaving blank if code 977 is not entered.
Specify in text the other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity if code 977 is entered. Otherwise, leave this data field blank.
- Guatemalan
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 48: Race of principal owner 1
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there is at least one principal owner. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are no principal owners.
Indicate the race of the applicant's principal owner 1 by entering, as appropriate, from the specified codes. Use the codes below to report the selections that the applicant made (such as on the demographic data collection form), except where otherwise noted in 'Instructions'. If the applicant selects more than one race for a principal owner, enter each, in any order, separated by a semicolon. If the applicant selects a race for a principal owner or responds in a free-form text field but also responds that they do not wish to provide this information, enter the race codes (1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, 971, 972, 973, and/or 974) as appropriate. Do not report code 966 if any other codes apply.
- If Haitian and White, enter 33;5 or 5;33
- If Asian and the applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information, enter 2.
- If responded Thai in the free form-text field for other Asian race but the applicant did not select Other Asian race, enter 972. May also enter 27.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - American Indian or Alaska Native | |
2 | Code 2 - Asian | |
21 | Code 21 - Asian Indian | |
22 | Code 22 - Chinese | |
23 | Code 23 - Filipino | |
24 | Code 24 - Japanese | |
25 | Code 25 - Korean | |
26 | Code 26 - Vietnamese | |
27 | Code 27 - Other Asian Race | |
3 | Code 3 - Black or African American | |
31 | Code 31 - African American | |
32 | Code 32 - Ethiopian | |
33 | Code 33 - Haitian | |
34 | Code 34 - Jamaican | |
35 | Code 35 - Nigerian | |
36 | Code 36 - Somali | |
37 | Code 37 - Other Black or African American Race | |
4 | Code 4 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | |
41 | Code 41 - Native Hawaiian | |
42 | Code 42 - Guamanian or Chamorro | |
43 | Code 43 - Samoan | |
44 | Code 44 - Other Pacific Islander Race | |
5 | Code 5 - White | |
966 | Code 966 - The applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information | Do not enter code 966 if the applicant selected any of the race response options. |
971 | Code 971 - The applicant responded in the free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe | When this code is entered, also specify the applicant's response in the associated free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe. |
972 | Code 972 - The applicant responded in the free-form text field for Other Asian race | When this code is entered, also specify the applicant's response in the associated free-form text field for other Asian race. |
973 | Code 973 - The applicant responded in the free-form text field for Other Black or African race | When this code is entered, also specify the applicant's response in the associated free-form text field for other Black or African race. |
974 | Code 974 - The applicant responded in the free-form text field for Other Pacific Islander race | When this code is entered, also specify the applicant's response in the associated free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race. |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant | Enter code 988 if the applicant does not select any response options and does not respond in the free-form text field. |
- When present, each value (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, 966, 971, 972, 973, 974, or 988
- Should not contain duplicated values
- When code 966 or 988 is reported, should not contain any other values
Field 49: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 1' contains code 971. Report not applicable by leaving blank if code 971 is not entered
Specify in text the principal owner 1's American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe if provided by the applicant. Otherwise, leave this data field blank.
- Navajo
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 50: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Asian race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 1' contains code 972. Report not applicable by leaving blank if code 972 is not entered
Specify in text the principal owner 1's other Asian race(s) if provided by the applicant. Otherwise, leave this data field blank.
- Cambodian
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 51: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 1' contains code 973. Report not applicable by leaving blank if code 973 is not entered
Specify in text the principal owner 1's other Black or African American race(s) if provided by the applicant. Otherwise, leave this data field blank.
- Malawian
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 52: Race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 1' contains code 974. Report not applicable by leaving blank if code 974 is not entered
Specify in text the principal owner 1's other Pacific Islander race(s) if provided by the applicant. Otherwise, leave this data field blank.
- Marshallese
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
Field 53: Sex/gender of principal owner 1: NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Conditionally required if there is at least one principal owner. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are no principal owners.
Indicate whether the sex/gender of the applicant's principal owner 1 is provided (such as on the demographic data collection form) by entering one of the specified codes. If the applicant responds in the free-form text field but also responds that they do not wish to provide this information, enter the sex/gender code 1, not code 966.
- If the applicant responded in free-form text field and also responded that they did not wish to provide this information, enter 1.
Valid values | Codes | Instructions |
1 | Code 1 - The applicant responded in the free-form text field | When this code is entered, also specify the applicant's response in the associated free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender. |
966 | Code 966 - The applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information | Do not enter code 966 if the applicant responds in the free-form text field. |
988 | Code 988 - Not provided by applicant | Enter code 988 if the applicant does not select any response options and does not respond in the free-form text field. |
- When present, must equal 1, 966, or 988
Field 54: Sex/gender of principal owner 1: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'sex/gender of principal owner 1' is code 1. Report not applicable by leaving blank if code 1 is not entered.
Specify in text the principal owner 1's self-identified sex/gender if provided by the applicant. Otherwise, leave this data field blank.
- Must not exceed 300 characters in length
3.21 Demographic information of principal owner 2
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(19)
- Field 55: Ethnicity of principal owner 2
- Field 56: Ethnicity of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
- Field 57: Race of principal owner 2
- Field 58: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
- Field 59: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Asian race
- Field 60: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
- Field 61: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
- Field 62: Sex/gender of principal owner 2: NP flag
- Field 63: Sex/gender of principal owner 2: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Field 55: Ethnicity of principal owner 2
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there are at least two principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than two principal owners.
For details, see ethnicity of principal owner 1 (Field 46)
Field 56: Ethnicity of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'ethnicity of principal owner 2' contains code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Field 57: Race of principal owner 2
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there are at least two principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than two principal owners.
For details, see race of principal owner 1 (Field 48)
Field 58: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 2' contains code 971. Leave blank if code 971 is not entered.
Field 59: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Asian race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 2' contains code 972. Leave blank if code 972 is not entered.
For details, see race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Asian race (Field 50)
Field 60: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 2' contains code 973. Leave blank if code 973 is not entered.
Field 61: Race of principal owner 2: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 2' contains code 974. Leave blank if code 974 is not entered.
Field 62: Sex/gender of principal owner 2: NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Conditionally required if there are at least two principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than two principal owners.
For details, see sex/gender of principal owner 1: NP flag (Field 53)
Field 63: Sex/gender of principal owner 2: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'sex/gender of principal owner 2' is code 1. Leave blank if code 1 is not entered.
3.22 Demographic information of principal owner 3
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(19)
- Field 64: Ethnicity of principal owner 3
- Field 65: Ethnicity of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
- Field 66: Race of principal owner 3
- Field 67: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
- Field 68: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Asian race
- Field 69: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
- Field 70: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
- Field 71: Sex/gender of principal owner 3: NP flag
- Field 72: Sex/gender of principal owner 3: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Field 64: Ethnicity of principal owner 3
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there are at least three principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than three principal owners.
For details, see ethnicity of principal owner 1 (Field 46)
Field 65: Ethnicity of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'ethnicity of principal owner 3' contains code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Field 66: Race of principal owner 3
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there are at least three principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than three principal owners.
For details, see race of principal owner 1 (Field 48)
Field 67: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 3' contains code 971. Leave blank if code 971 is not entered.
Field 68: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Asian race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 3' contains code 972. Leave blank if code 972 is not entered.
For details, see race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Asian race (Field 50)
Field 69: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 3' contains code 973. Leave blank if code 973 is not entered.
Field 70: Race of principal owner 3: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 3' contains code 974. Leave blank if code 974 is not entered.
Field 71: Sex/gender of principal owner 3: NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Conditionally required if there are at least three principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than three principal owners.
For details, see sex/gender of principal owner 1: NP flag (Field 53)
Field 72: Sex/gender of principal owner 3: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'sex/gender of principal owner 3' is code 1. Leave blank if code 1 is not entered.
3.23 Demographic information of principal owner 4
Rule section: 12 CFR 1002.107(a)(19)
- Field 73: Ethnicity of principal owner 4
- Field 74: Ethnicity of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
- Field 75: Race of principal owner 4
- Field 76: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
- Field 77: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Asian race
- Field 78: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
- Field 79: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
- Field 80: Sex/gender of principal owner 4: NP flag
- Field 81: Sex/gender of principal owner 4: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Field 73: Ethnicity of principal owner 4
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there are four principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than four principal owners.
For details, see ethnicity of principal owner 1 (Field 46)
Field 74: Ethnicity of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'ethnicity of principal owner 4' contains code 977. Leave blank if code 977 is not entered.
Field 75: Race of principal owner 4
Column name
- Field type: Multiple response
- Conditionally required if there are four principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than four principal owners.
For details, see race of principal owner 1 (Field 48)
Field 76: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 4' contains code 971. Leave blank if code 971 is not entered.
Field 77: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Asian race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 4' contains code 972. Leave blank if code 972 is not entered.
For details, see race of principal owner 1: free-form text field for other Asian race (Field 50)
Field 78: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Black or African American race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 4' contains code 973. Leave blank if code 973 is not entered.
Field 79: Race of principal owner 4: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'race of principal owner 4' contains code 974. Leave blank if code 974 is not entered.
Field 80: Sex/gender of principal owner 4: NP flag
Column name
- Field type: Single response
- Conditionally required if there are four principal owners. Report not applicable by leaving blank if there are fewer than four principal owners.
For details, see sex/gender of principal owner 1: NP flag (Field 53)
Field 81: Sex/gender of principal owner 4: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender
Column name
- Field type: Text (width up to 300 characters)
- Conditionally required if 'sex/gender of principal owner 4' is code 1. Leave blank if code 1 is not entered.
4. Data validation
Data validations are a series of checks that run on a small business lending application register to ensure that the data entries are correct and ready to submit, meaning the data are both internally consistent and consistent with the syntax and logic specified by this guide. When data are uploaded to the small business lending data submission platform, before the register can be certified and submitted, the platform will review the submission to determine if the data pass the validations described in this section. What follows is a description of the types of validations that will be performed on a register prior to its certification and acceptance.
First, validations vary by type:
- An error validation checks that each data field contains valid data and that each value submitted matches the expected type. Each record must pass all of these validations in order for the register to be certified and submitted.
- A warning validation checks for values that could indicate a mistake in the register. These are quality checks to assist filers in checking that their register has been compiled correctly and alerting them to possible problems. The filer may confirm the accuracy of all values flagged by warning validations as part of the filing process in order to certify and submit their data.
Validations also vary by scope:
- Each single-field validation pertains to only one specific field in each record. These validations check that the data held in an individual field match the values that are expected. A single-field validation may be an error validation or a warning validation.
- Multi-field validations check that the values of certain fields make sense in combination with other values in the same record. These validations have a list of “affected data fields,” which are the individual fields within the record whose values will be compared to identify whether the record passes the validation checks. For example, many multi-field validations check for the presence of conditionally required data, meaning that such checks ensure that fields that should be blank are blank, and fields that should be populated are populated. A multi-field validation may be an error validation or a warning validation.
- There is also one register-level validation. This validation checks that the register does not contain duplicate IDs.
Most validations related to principal owners are the same for each set of principal owner fields. In the validation descriptions and pseudocode, the "X" in "Principal owner X" is a placeholder for the relevant specific principal owner number (1-4).
Below is a comprehensive list of validations that will be applied to each register before submission. For multi-field validations, we provide a pseudocode interpretation of each validation. This pseudocode is an illustration of the logic of the validation, exclusively for the purpose of ensuring that the validation logic is clear and unambiguous. It is not code which can be compiled and run. For a tabular view of the validation specification in CSV file format, see the following link:
Validation ID: uid.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- uid
- ‘Unique identifier’ must be at least 21 characters in length and at most 45 characters in length.
Validation ID: uid.invalid_text_pattern
Affected data field
- uid
- ‘Unique identifier’ may contain any combination of numbers and/or uppercase letters (i.e., 0-9 and A-Z), and must not contain any other characters.
Validation ID: app_date.invalid_date_format
Affected data field
- app_date
- ‘Application date’ must be a real calendar date using YYYYMMDD format.
Validation ID: app_method.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- app_method
- ‘Application method’ must equal 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Validation ID: app_recipient.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- app_recipient
- ‘Application recipient’ must equal 1 or 2.
Validation ID: ct_credit_product.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- ct_credit_product
- ‘Credit product’ must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 977, or 988.
Validation ID: ct_credit_product_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- ct_credit_product_ff
- ‘Free-form text field for other credit products’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: ct_guarantee.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- ct_guarantee
- Each value in ‘type of guarantee’ (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 977, or 999.
Validation ID: ct_guarantee.invalid_number_of_values
Affected data field
- ct_guarantee
- ‘Type of guarantee’ must contain at least one and at most five values, separated by semicolons.
Validation ID: ct_guarantee_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- ct_guarantee_ff
- ‘Free-form text field for other guarantee’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: ct_loan_term_flag.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- ct_loan_term_flag
- ‘Loan term: NA/NP flag’ must equal 900, 988, or 999.
Validation ID: ct_loan_term.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- ct_loan_term
- When present, ‘loan term’ must be a whole number.
Validation ID: ct_loan_term.invalid_numeric_value
Affected data field
- ct_loan_term
- When present, ‘loan term’ must be greater than or equal to 1.
Validation ID: credit_purpose.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- credit_purpose
- Each value in ‘credit purpose’ (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 977, 988, or 999.
Validation ID: credit_purpose.invalid_number_of_values
Affected data field
- credit_purpose
- ‘Credit purpose’ must contain at least one and at most three values, separated by semicolons.
Validation ID: credit_purpose_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- credit_purpose_ff
- ‘Free-form text field for other credit purpose’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: amount_applied_for_flag.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- amount_applied_for_flag
- ‘Amount applied For: NA/NP flag’ must equal 900, 988, or 999.
Validation ID: amount_applied_for.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- amount_applied_for
- When present, ‘amount applied for’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: amount_applied_for.invalid_numeric_value
Affected data field
- amount_applied_for
- When present, ‘amount applied for’ must be greater than 0.
Validation ID: amount_approved.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- amount_approved
- When present, ‘amount approved or originated’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: amount_approved.invalid_numeric_value
Affected data field
- amount_approved
- When present, ‘amount approved or originated’ must be greater than 0.
Validation ID: action_taken.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- action_taken
- ‘Action taken’ must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Validation ID: action_taken_date.invalid_date_format
Affected data field
- action_taken_date
- ‘Action taken date’ must be a real calendar date using YYYYMMDD format.
Validation ID: action_taken_date.invalid_date_value
Affected data field
- action_taken_date
- The date indicated by 'action taken date' must occur within the current reporting period: October 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
Validation ID: denial_reasons.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- denial_reasons
- Each value in ‘denial reason(s)’ (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 977, or 999.
Validation ID: denial_reasons.invalid_number_of_values
Affected data field
- denial_reasons
- ‘Denial reason(s)’ must contain at least one and at most four values, separated by semicolons.
Validation ID: denial_reasons_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- denial_reasons_ff
- ‘Free-form text field for other denial reason(s)’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: pricing_interest_rate_type.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- pricing_interest_rate_type
- 'Interest rate type' must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 999.
Validation ID: pricing_init_rate_period.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_init_rate_period
- When present, 'variable rate transaction: initial rate period' must be a whole number.
Validation ID: pricing_init_rate_period.invalid_numeric_value
Affected data field
- pricing_init_rate_period
- When present, ‘variable rate transaction: initial rate period’ must be greater than 0.
Validation ID: pricing_fixed_rate.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_fixed_rate
- When present, ‘fixed rate: interest rate’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: pricing_var_margin.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_var_margin
- When present, ‘variable rate transaction: margin’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: pricing_var_index_name.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- pricing_var_index_name
- ‘Variable rate transaction: index name’ must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 977, or 999.
Validation ID: pricing_var_index_name_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- pricing_var_index_name_ff
- ‘Variable rate transaction: index name: other’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: pricing_var_index_value.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_var_index_value
- When present, ‘variable rate transaction: index value’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: pricing_origination_charges.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_origination_charges
- When present, ‘total origination charges’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: pricing_broker_fees.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_broker_fees
- When present, ‘amount of total broker fees’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: pricing_initial_charges.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_initial_charges
- When present, ‘initial annual charges’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: pricing_mca_addcost_flag.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- pricing_mca_addcost_flag
- ‘MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag’ must equal 900 or 999.
Validation ID: pricing_mca_addcost.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- pricing_mca_addcost
- When present, ‘MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: pricing_prepenalty_allowed.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- pricing_prepenalty_allowed
- ‘Prepayment penalty could be imposed’ must equal 1, 2, or 999.
Validation ID: pricing_prepenalty_exists.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- pricing_prepenalty_exists
- ‘Prepayment penalty exists’ must equal 1, 2, or 999.
Validation ID: census_tract_adr_type.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- census_tract_adr_type
- ‘Census tract: type of address’ must equal 1, 2, 3, or 988.
Validation ID: census_tract_number.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- census_tract_number
- When present, ‘census tract: tract number’ must be a GEOID with exactly 11 digits.
Validation ID: gross_annual_revenue_flag.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- gross_annual_revenue_flag
- ‘Gross annual revenue: NP flag’ must equal 900 or 988.
Validation ID: gross_annual_revenue.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- gross_annual_revenue
- When present, ‘gross annual revenue’ must be a numeric value.
Validation ID: naics_code_flag.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- naics_code_flag
- ‘North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: NP flag’ must equal 900 or 988.
Validation ID: naics_code.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- naics_code
- When present, ‘North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code’ must be three digits in length.
Validation ID: naics_code.invalid_naics_format
Affected data field
- naics_code
- 'North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code' may only contain numeric characters.
Validation ID: number_of_workers.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- number_of_workers
- ‘Number of workers’ must equal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 988.
Validation ID: time_in_business_type.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- time_in_business_type
- ‘Time in business: type of response’ must equal 1, 2, 3, or 988.
Validation ID: time_in_business.invalid_numeric_format
Affected data field
- time_in_business
- When present, ‘time in business’ must be a whole number.
Validation ID: time_in_business.invalid_numeric_value
Affected data field
- time_in_business
- When present, ‘time in business’ must be greater than or equal to 0.
Validation ID: business_ownership_status.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- business_ownership_status
- Each value in 'business ownership status' (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 3, 955, 966, or 988.
Validation ID: business_ownership_status.invalid_number_of_values
Affected data field
- business_ownership_status
- 'Business ownership status' must contain at least one value.
Validation ID: num_principal_owners_flag.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- num_principal_owners_flag
- ‘Number of principal owners: NP flag’ must equal 900 or 988.
Validation ID: num_principal_owners.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- num_principal_owners
- When present, ‘number of principal owners’ must equal 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Validation ID: po_X_ethnicity.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- po_X_ethnicity
- When present, each value in ‘ethnicity of principal owner X’ (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 966, 977, or 988.
Validation ID: po_X_ethnicity_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- po_X_ethnicity_ff
- ‘Ethnicity of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: po_X_race.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- po_X_race
- When present, each value in ‘race of principal owner X’ (separated by semicolons) must equal 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 4, 41, 42, 43, 44, 5, 966, 971, 972, 973, 974, or 988.
Validation ID: po_X_race_anai_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- po_X_race_anai_ff
- ‘Race of principal owner X: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: po_X_race_asian_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- po_X_race_asian_ff
- ‘Race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Asian’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: po_X_race_baa_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- po_X_race_baa_ff
- ‘Race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Black or African American’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: po_X_race_pi_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- po_X_race_pi_ff
- ‘Race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: po_X_gender_flag.invalid_enum_value
Affected data field
- po_X_gender_flag
- When present, ‘sex/gender of principal owner X: NP flag’ must equal 1, 966, or 988.
Validation ID: po_X_gender_ff.invalid_text_length
Affected data field
- po_X_gender_ff
- ‘Sex/gender of principal owner X: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender’ must not exceed 300 characters in length.
Validation ID: ct_credit_product_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- ct_credit_product
- ct_credit_product_ff
- When ‘credit product’ does not equal 977 (other), ‘free-form text field for other credit products’ must be blank.
- When ‘credit product’ equals 977, ‘free-form text field for other credit products’ must not be blank.
IF ct_credit_product is not equal to 977 THEN IF ct_credit_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF ct_credit_product is equal to 977 THEN IF ct_credit_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: ct_guarantee_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- ct_guarantee
- ct_guarantee_ff
- When ‘type of guarantee’ does not contain 977 (other), ‘free-form text field for other guarantee’ must be blank.
- When ‘type of guarantee’ contains 977, ‘free-form text field for other guarantee’ must not be blank.
IF ct_guarantee does not contain 977 THEN IF ct_guarantee_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF ct_guarantee contains 977 THEN IF ct_guarantee_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: ct_loan_term_flag.enum_value_conflict
Affected data fields
- ct_credit_product
- ct_loan_term_flag
- When ‘credit product’ equals 1 (term loan - unsecured) or 2 (term loan - secured), ‘loan term: NA/NP flag’ must not equal 999 (not applicable).
- When ‘credit product’ equals 988 (not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined), ‘loan term: NA/NP flag’ must equal 999.
IF ct_credit_product is equal to 1 OR 2 THEN IF ct_loan_term_flag is equal to 999 THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF ct_credit_product is equal to 988 THEN IF ct_loan_term_flag is not equal to 999 THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: ct_loan_term.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- ct_loan_term_flag
- ct_loan_term
- When ‘loan term: NA/NP flag’ does not equal 900 (applicable and reported), ‘loan term’ must be blank.
- When ‘loan term: NA/NP flag’ equals 900, ‘loan term’ must not be blank.
IF ct_loan_term_flag is not equal to 900 THEN IF ct_loan_term is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF ct_loan_term_flag is equal to 900 THEN IF ct_loan_term is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: credit_purpose_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- credit_purpose
- credit_purpose_ff
- When ‘credit purpose’ does not contain 977 (other), ‘free-form text field for other credit purpose’ must be blank.
- When ‘credit purpose’ contains 977, ‘free-form text field for other credit purpose’ must not be blank.
IF credit_purpose does not contain 977 THEN IF credit_purpose_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF credit_purpose contains 977 THEN IF credit_purpose_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: amount_applied_for.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- amount_applied_for_flag
- amount_applied_for
- When ‘amount applied for: NA/NP flag’ does not equal 900 (applicable and reported), ‘amount applied for’ must be blank.
- When ‘amount applied for: NA/NP flag’ equals 900, ‘amount applied for’ must not be blank.
IF amount_applied_for_flag is not equal to 900 THEN IF amount_applied_for is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF amount_applied_for_flag is equal to 900 THEN IF amount_applied_for is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: amount_approved.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- action_taken
- amount_approved
- When ‘action taken’ does not equal 1 (originated) or 2 (approved but not accepted), ‘amount approved or originated’ must be blank.
- When ‘action taken’ equals 1 or 2, ‘amount approved or originated’ must not be blank.
IF action_taken is not equal to 1 OR 2 THEN IF amount_approved is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF action_taken is equal to 1 OR 2 THEN IF amount_approved is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: action_taken_date.date_value_conflict
Affected data fields
- action_taken_date
- app_date
- The date indicated by ‘action taken date’ must occur on or after ‘application date’.
IF action_taken_date is less than app_date THEN Error ENDIF
Validation ID: denial_reasons.enum_value_conflict
Affected data fields
- action_taken
- denial_reasons
- When 'action taken' equals 3 (denied), 'denial reason(s)' must not contain 999 (not applicable).
- When ‘action taken’ does not equal 3, ‘denial reason(s)’ must equal 999.
If action_taken is equal to 3 THEN IF denial_reasons contains 999 THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF action_taken is not equal to 3 THEN IF denial_reasons is not equal to 999 THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: denial_reasons_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- denial_reasons
- denial_reasons_ff
- When ‘denial reason(s)’ does not contain 977 (other), field ‘free-form text field for other denial reason(s)’ must be blank.
- When ‘denial reason(s)’ contains 977, ‘free-form text field for other denial reason(s)’ must not be blank.
IF denial_reasons does not contain 977 THEN IF denial_reasons_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF denial_reasons contains 977 THEN IF denial_reasons_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_all.conditional_fieldset_conflict
Affected data fields
- action_taken
- pricing_interest_rate_type
- pricing_mca_addcost_flag
- pricing_prepenalty_allowed
- pricing_prepenalty_exists
- pricing_origination_charge
- pricing_broker_fees
- pricing_initial_charges
When 'action taken' equals 3 (denied), 4 (withdrawn by applicant), or 5 (incomplete), the following fields must all equal 999 (not applicable):
- 'Interest rate type'
- 'MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag'
- 'Prepayment penalty could be imposed'
- 'Prepayment penalty exists'
And the following fields must all be blank:
- 'Total origination charges'
- 'Amount of total broker fees'
- 'Initial annual charges'
IF action_taken is equal to 3, 4, or 5 THEN IF (pricing_interest_rate_type is not equal to 999 OR pricing_mca_addcost_flag is not equal to 999 OR pricing_prepenalty_allowed is not equal to 999 OR pricing_prepenalty_exists is not equal to 999 OR pricing_origination_charges is not blank OR pricing_broker_fees is not blank OR pricing_initial_charges is not blank) THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_charges.conditional_fieldset_conflict
Affected data fields
- action_taken
- pricing_origination_charges
- pricing_broker_fees
- pricing_initial_charges
- pricing_prepenalty_allowed
- pricing_prepenalty_exists
When 'action taken' equals 1 (originated) or 2 (approved but not accepted), the following fields all must not be blank:
- 'Total origination charges'
- 'Amount of total broker fees'
- 'Initial annual charges'
And the following fields must not equal 999 (not applicable):
- 'Prepayment penalty could be imposed'
- 'Prepayment penalty exists'
IF action_taken is equal to 1 or 2 THEN IF (pricing_origination_charges is blank OR pricing_broker_fees is blank OR pricing_initial_charges is blank OR pricing_prepenalty_allowed is equal to 999 OR pricing_prepenalty_exists is equal to 999) THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_init_rate_period.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- pricing_interest_rate_type
- pricing_init_rate_period
- When 'interest rate type' does not equal 3 (initial rate period > 12 months, variable interest), 4 (initial rate period > 12 months, fixed interest), 5 (initial rate period <= 12 months, variable interest), or 6 (initial rate period <= 12 months, fixed interest), 'initial rate period' must be blank.
- When 'interest rate type' equals 3, 4, 5, or 6, 'initial rate period' must not be blank
IF pricing_interest_rate_type is not equal to 3, 4, 5, or 6 THEN IF pricing_init_rate_period is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF pricing_interest_rate_type is equal to 3, 4, 5, or 6 THEN IF pricing_init_rate_period is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_fixed_rate.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- pricing_interest_rate_type
- pricing_fixed_rate
- When 'interest rate type' does not equal 2 (fixed interest rate, no initial rate period), 4 (initial rate period > 12 months, fixed interest rate), or 6 (initial rate period <= 12 months, fixed interest rate), 'fixed rate: interest rate' must be blank.
- When 'interest rate type' equals 2, 4, or 6, 'fixed rate: interest rate' must not be blank.
IF pricing_interest_rate_type is not equal to 2, 4, or 6 THEN IF pricing_fixed_rate is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF pricing_interest_rate_type is equal to 2, 4, or 6 THEN IF pricing_fixed_rate is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_var_margin.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- pricing_interest_rate_type
- pricing_var_margin
- When 'interest rate type' does not equal 1 (variable interest rate, no initial rate period), 3 (initial rate period > 12 months, variable interest rate), or 5 (initial rate period <= 12 months, variable interest rate), 'variable rate transaction: margin' must be blank.
- When 'interest rate type' equals 1, 3, or 5, 'variable rate transaction: margin' must not be blank.
IF pricing_interest_rate_type is not equal to 1, 3, or 5 THEN IF pricing_var_margin is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF pricing_interest_rate_type is equal to 1, 3, or 5 THEN IF pricing_var_margin is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_var_index_name.enum_value_conflict
Affected data fields
- pricing_interest_rate_type
- pricing_var_index_name
- When 'interest rate type' does not equal 1 (variable interest rate, no initial rate period), 3 (initial rate period > 12 months, variable interest rate), or 5 (initial rate period <= 12 months, variable interest rate), 'variable rate transaction: index name' must equal 999.
- When 'interest rate type' equals 1, 3, or 5, 'variable rate transaction: index name' must not equal 999.
IF pricing_interest_rate_type is not equal to 1, 3, or 5 THEN IF pricing_var_index_name is not equal to 999 THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF pricing_interest_rate_type is equal to 1, 3, or 5 THEN IF pricing_var_index_name is equal to 999 THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_var_index_name_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- pricing_var_index_name;
- pricing_var_index_name_ff
- When 'variable rate transaction: index name' does not equal 977 (other), 'variable rate transaction: index name: other' must be blank
- When 'variable rate transaction: index name' equals 977, 'variable rate transaction: index name: other' must not be blank.
IF pricing_var_index_name is not equal to 977 THEN IF pricing_var_index_name_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF pricing_var_index_name is equal to 977 THEN IF pricing_var_index_name_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_var_index_value.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- pricing_interest_rate_type
- pricing_var_index_value
- When 'interest rate type' does not equal 1 (variable interest rate, no initial rate period), or 3 (initial rate period > 12 months, variable interest rate), 'variable rate transaction: index value' must be blank.
- When 'interest rate type' equals 1 or 3, 'variable rate transaction: index value' must not be blank.
IF pricing_interest_rate_type is not equal to 1 or 3 THEN IF pricing_var_index_value is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF pricing_interest_rate_type is equal to 1 or 3 THEN IF pricing_var_index_value is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_mca_addcost_flag.enum_value_conflict
Affected data fields
- ct_credit_product
- pricing_mca_addcost_flag
- When 'credit product' does not equal 7 (merchant cash advance), 8 (other sales-based financing transaction) or 977 (other), ‘MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag’ must be 999 (not applicable).
IF ct_credit_product is not equal to 7, 8, OR 977 THEN IF pricing_mca_addcost_flag is not equal to 999 THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: pricing_mca_addcost.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- pricing_mca_addcost_flag
- pricing_mca_addcost
- When ‘MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag’ does not equal 900 (applicable), ‘MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing’ must be blank.
- When ‘MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing: NA flag’ equals 900, ‘MCA/sales-based: additional cost for merchant cash advances or other sales-based financing’ must not be blank.
IF pricing_mca_addcost_flag is not equal to 900 THEN IF pricing_mca_addcost is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF IF pricing_mca_addcost_flag is equal to 900 THEN IF pricing_mca_addcost is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: census_tract_number.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- census_tract_adr_type
- census_tract_number
- When ‘census tract: type of address’ equals 988 (not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined), ‘census tract: tract number’ must be blank.
- When ‘census tract: type of address’ equals 1 (address or location where the loan proceeds will principally be applied), 2 (address or location of borrower’s main office or headquarters), or 3 (another address or location associated with the applicant), ‘census tract: tract number’ must not be blank.
IF census_tract_adr_type is equal to 988 THEN IF census_tract_number is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF census_tract_adr_type is equal to 1, 2, OR 3 THEN IF census_tract_number is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: gross_annual_revenue.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- gross_annual_revenue_flag
- gross_annual_revenue
- When ‘gross annual revenue: NP flag’ does not equal 900 (reported), ‘gross annual revenue’ must be blank.
- When ‘gross annual revenue: NP flag’ equals 900, ‘gross annual revenue’ must not be blank.
IF gross_annual_revenue_flag is not equal to 900 THEN IF gross_annual_revenue is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF gross_annual_revenue_flag is equal to 900 THEN IF gross_annual_revenue is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: naics_code.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- naics_code_flag
- naics_code
- When ‘North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: NP flag’ does not equal 900 (reported), ‘North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code’ must be blank.
- When ‘North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: NP flag’ equals 900, ‘North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code’ must not be blank.
IF naics_code_flag is not equal to 900 THEN IF naics_code is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF naics_code_flag is equal to 900 THEN IF naics_code is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: time_in_business.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- time_in_business_type
- time_in_business
- When ‘time in business: type of response’ does not equal 1 (the number of years an applicant has been in business is collected or obtained by the financial institution), ‘time in business’ must be blank.
- When ‘time in business: type of response’ equals 1, ‘time in business’ must not be blank.
IF time_in_business_type is not equal to 1 THEN IF time_in_business is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF time_in_business_type is equal to 1 THEN IF time_in_business is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: num_principal_owners.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- num_principal_owners_flag
- num_principal_owners
- When ‘number of principal owners: NP flag’ does not equal 900 (reported), ‘number of principal owners’ must be blank.
- When ‘number of principal owners: NP flag’ equals 900, ‘number of principal owners’ must not be blank.
IF num_principal_owners_flag is not equal to 900 THEN IF num_principal_owners is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF num_principal_owners_flag is equal to 900 THEN IF num_principal_owners is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_X_ethnicity_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- po_X_ethnicity
- po_X_ethnicity_ff
- When ‘ethnicity of principal owner X’ does not contain 977 (the applicant responded in the free-form text field), ‘ethnicity of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino' must be blank.
- When ‘ethnicity of principal owner X’ contains 977, ‘ethnicity of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Hispanic or Latino’ must not be blank.
IF po_X_ethnicity does not contain 977 THEN IF po_X_ethnicity_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF po_X_ethnicity contains 977 THEN IF po_X_ethnicity_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_X_race_anai_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- po_X_race
- po_X_race_anai_ff
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ does not contain 971 (the applicant responded in the free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe), ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe’ must be blank.
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ contains 971, ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for American Indian or Alaska Native Enrolled or Principal Tribe’ must not be blank.
IF po_X_race does not contain 971 THEN IF po_X_race_anai_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF po_X_race contains 971 THEN IF po_X_race_anai_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_X_race_asian_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- po_X_race
- po_X_race_asian_ff
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ does not contain 972 (the applicant responded in the free-form text field for other Asian race), ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Asian’ must be blank.
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ contains 972, ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Asian’ must not be blank.
IF po_X_race does not contain 972 THEN IF po_X_race_asian_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF po_X_race contains 972 THEN IF po_X_race_asian_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_X_race_baa_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- po_X_race
- po_X_race_baa_ff
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ does not contain 973 (the applicant responded in the free-form text field for other Black or African race), ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Black or African American’ must be blank.
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ contains 973, ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Black or African American’ must not be blank.
IF po_X_race does not contain 973 THEN IF po_X_race_baa_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF po_X_race contains 973 THEN IF po_X_race_baa_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_X_race_pi_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- po_X_race
- po_X_race_pi_ff
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ does not contain 974 (the applicant responded in the free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race), ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race’ must be blank.
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ contains 974, ‘race of principal owner X: free-form text field for other Pacific Islander race’ must not be blank.
IF po_X_race does not contain 974 THEN IF po_X_race_pi_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF po_X_race contains 974 THEN IF po_X_race_pi_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_X_gender_ff.conditional_field_conflict
Affected data fields
- po_X_gender_flag
- po_X_gender_ff
- When ‘sex/gender of principal owner X: NP flag’ does not equal 1 (the applicant responded in the free-form text field), ‘sex/gender of principal owner X: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender’ must be blank.
- When ‘sex/gender of principal owner X: NP flag’ equals 1, ‘sex/gender of principal owner X: free-form text field for self-identified sex/gender’ must not be blank.
IF po_X_gender_flag does not contain 1 THEN IF po_X_gender_ff is not blank THEN Error ENDIF ELSEIF po_X_gender_flag contains 1 THEN IF po_X_gender_ff is blank THEN Error ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: uid.duplicates_in_dataset
Affected data fields
- uid
- Any ‘unique identifier’ may not be used in more than one record within a small business lending application register.
IF uid is duplicated within this filing THEN Error ENDIF
Validation ID: uid.invalid_uid_lei
Affected data field
- uid
- The first 20 characters of the ‘unique identifier’ should match the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for the financial institution.
Validation ID: ct_guarantee.multi_value_field_restriction
Affected data field
- ct_guarantee
- When ‘type of guarantee’ contains 999 (no guarantee), ‘type of guarantee’ should not contain more than one value.
Validation ID: ct_guarantee.duplicates_in_field
Affected data field
- ct_guarantee
- ‘Type of guarantee’ should not contain duplicated values.
Validation ID: ct_loan_term.unreasonable_numeric_value
Affected data field
- ct_loan_term
- When present, ‘loan term’ should be less than 1200 (100 years).
Validation ID: credit_purpose.multi_value_field_restriction
Affected data field
- credit_purpose
- When ‘credit purpose’ contains 988 (not provided by applicant and otherwise undetermined) or 999 (not applicable), ‘credit purpose’ should not contain more than one value.
Validation ID: credit_purpose.duplicates_in_field
Affected data field
- credit_purpose
- ‘Credit purpose’ should not contain duplicated values.
Validation ID: denial_reasons.multi_value_field_restriction
Affected data field
- denial_reasons
- When ‘denial reason(s)’ contains 999 (not applicable), ‘denial reason(s)’ should not contain more than one value.
Validation ID: denial_reasons.duplicates_in_field
Affected data field
- denial_reasons
- ‘Denial reason(s)’ should not contain duplicated values.
Validation ID: pricing_fixed_rate.unreasonable_numeric_value
Affected data field
- pricing_fixed_rate
- When present, ‘fixed rate: interest rate’ should generally be greater than 0.1.
Validation ID: pricing_var_margin.unreasonable_numeric_value
Affected data field
- pricing_var_margin
- When present, ‘variable rate transaction: margin’ should generally be greater than 0.1.
Validation ID: census_tract_number.invalid_geoid
Affected data field
- census_tract_number
- When present, ‘census tract: tract number’ should be a valid census tract GEOID as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Validation ID: naics_code.invalid_naics_value
Affected data field
- naics_code
- When present, ‘North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code’ should be a valid NAICS code.
Validation ID: business_ownership_status.duplicates_in_field
Affected data field
- business_ownership_status
- ‘Business ownership status’ should not contain duplicated values.
Validation ID: business_ownership_status.multi_value_field_restriction
Affected data field
- business_ownership_status
- When ‘business ownership status’ contains 966 (the applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information) or 988 (not provided by applicant), ‘business ownership status’ should not contain more than one value.
Validation ID: po_X_ethnicity.duplicates_in_field
Affected data field
- po_X_ethnicity
- ‘Ethnicity of principal owner X’ should not contain duplicated values.
Validation ID: po_X_ethnicity.multi_value_field_restriction
Affected data field
- po_X_ethnicity
- When ‘ethnicity of principal owner X’ contains 966 (the applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information) or 988 (not provided by applicant), ‘ethnicity of principal owner X’ should not contain more than one value.
Validation ID: po_X_race.duplicates_in_field
Affected data field
- po_X_race
- ‘Race of principal owner X’ should not contain duplicated values.
Validation ID: po_X_race.multi_value_field_restriction
Affected data field
- po_X_race
- When ‘race of principal owner X’ contains 966 (the applicant responded that they did not wish to provide this information) or 988 (not provided by applicant), ‘race of principal owner X’ should not contain more than one value.
Validation ID: ct_guarantee_ff.multi_invalid_number_of_values
Affected data fields
- ct_guarantee
- ct_guarantee_ff
- ‘Type of guarantee’ and ‘free-form text field for other guarantee‘ combined should not contain more than five values. Code 977 (other), within 'type of guarantee', does not count toward the maximum number of values for the purpose of this validation check.
WHERE ct_guarantee_length = number of entries in ct_guarantee excluding 977 AND ct_guarantee_ff_length = number of entries in ct_guarantee_ff IF ct_guarantee_length + ct_guarantee_ff_length is greater than 5 THEN Warning ENDIF ENDWHERE
Validation ID: credit_purpose_ff.multi_invalid_number_of_values
Affected data fields
- credit_purpose
- credit_purpose_ff
- ‘Credit purpose’ and ‘free-form text field for other credit purpose‘ combined should not contain more than three values. Code 977 (other), within 'credit purpose', does not count toward the maximum number of values for the purpose of this validation check.
WHERE credit_purpose_length = number of entries in credit_purpose excluding 977 AND credit_purpose_ff_length = number of entries in credit_purpose_ff IF credit_purpose_length + credit_purpose_ff_length is greater than 3 THEN Warning ENDIF ENDWHERE
Validation ID: action_taken_date.unreasonable_date_value
Affected data fields
- action_taken_date
- app_date
- The date indicated by ‘application date’ should generally be less than two years (730 days) before ‘action taken date’.
IF action_taken_date is greater than (app_date plus 730 days) THEN Warning ENDIF
Validation ID: denial_reasons_ff.multi_invalid_number_of_values
Affected data fields
- denial_reasons
- denial_reasons_ff
- ‘Denial reason(s)’ and ‘free-form text field for other denial reason(s)‘ combined should not contain more than four values. Code 977 (other), within 'Denial reason(s)', does not count toward the maximum number of values for the purpose of this validation check.
WHERE denial_reasons_length = number of entries in denial_reasons excluding 977 AND denial_reasons_ff_length = number of entries in denial_reasons_ff IF denial_reasons_length + denial_reasons_ff_length is greater than 4 THEN Warning ENDIF ENDWHERE
Validation ID: po_demographics_0.conditional_fieldset_conflict
Affected data fields
- num_principal_owners
- po_1_ethnicity
- po_1_race
- po_1_gender_flag
- po_2_ethnicity
- po_2_race
- po_2_gender_flag
- po_3_ethnicity
- po_3_race
- po_3_gender_flag
- po_4_ethnicity
- po_4_race
- po_4_gender_flag
- When ‘number of principal owners’ equals 0 or is blank, demographic fields for principal owners 1, 2, 3, and 4 should be blank.
IF num_principal_owners is equal to 0 OR is blank THEN IF (po_1_ethnicity, po_1_race, po_1_gender_flag, po_2_ethnicity, po_2_race, po_2_gender_flag, po_3_ethnicity, po_3_race, po_3_gender_flag, po_4_ethnicity, po_4_race, OR po_4_gender_flag) is not blank THEN Warning ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_demographics_1.conditional_fieldset_conflict
Affected data fields
- num_principal_owners
- po_1_ethnicity
- po_1_race
- po_1_gender_flag
- po_2_ethnicity
- po_2_race
- po_2_gender_flag
- po_3_ethnicity
- po_3_race
- po_3_gender_flag
- po_4_ethnicity
- po_4_race
- po_4_gender_flag
- When ‘number of principal owners’ equals 1, ‘ethnicity of principal owner 1’, ‘race of principal owner 1’, and ‘sex/gender of principal owner 1: NP flag’ should not be blank.
- Demographic fields for principal owners 2, 3, and 4 should be blank.
IF num_principal_owners is equal to 1 THEN IF (po_1_ethnicity, po_1_race, OR po_1_gender_flag) is blank THEN Warning ENDIF IF (po_2_ethnicity, po_2_race, po_2_gender_flag, po_3_ethnicity, po_3_race, po_3_gender_flag, po_4_ethnicity, po_4_race, OR po_4_gender_flag) is not blank THEN Warning ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_demographics_2.conditional_fieldset_conflict
Affected data fields
- num_principal_owners
- po_1_ethnicity
- po_1_race
- po_1_gender_flag
- po_2_ethnicity
- po_2_race
- po_2_gender_flag
- po_3_ethnicity
- po_3_race
- po_3_gender_flag
- po_4_ethnicity
- po_4_race
- po_4_gender_flag
- When ‘number of principal owners’ equals 2, ‘ethnicity of principal owner 1 and 2’, ‘race of principal owner 1 and 2’, and ‘sex/gender of principal owner 1 and 2: NP flag’ should not be blank.
- Demographic fields for principal owners 3 and 4 should be blank.
IF num_principal_owners is equal to 2 THEN IF (po_1_ethnicity, po_1_race, po_1_gender_flag, po_2_ethnicity, po_2_race, OR po_2_gender_flag) is blank THEN Warning ENDIF IF (po_3_ethnicity, po_3_race, po_3_gender_flag, po_4_ethnicity, po_4_race, OR po_4_gender_flag) is not blank THEN Warning ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_demographics_3.conditional_fieldset_conflict
Affected data fields
- num_principal_owners
- po_1_ethnicity
- po_1_race
- po_1_gender_flag
- po_2_ethnicity
- po_2_race
- po_2_gender_flag
- po_3_ethnicity
- po_3_race
- po_3_gender_flag
- po_4_ethnicity
- po_4_race
- po_4_gender_flag
- When ‘number of principal owners’ equals 3, ‘ethnicity of principal owner 1, 2, and 3’, ‘race of principal owner 1, 2, and 3’, and ‘sex/gender of principal owner 1, 2, and 3: NP flag’ should not be blank.
- Demographic fields for principal owner 4 should be blank.
IF num_principal_owners is equal to 3 THEN IF (po_1_ethnicity, po_1_race, po_1_gender_flag, po_2_ethnicity, po_2_race, po_2_gender_flag po_3_ethnicity, po_3_race, OR po_3_gender_flag) is blank THEN Warning ENDIF IF (po_4_ethnicity, po_4_race, OR po_4_gender_flag) is not blank THEN Warning ENDIF ENDIF
Validation ID: po_demographics_4.conditional_fieldset_conflict
Affected data fields
- num_principal_owners
- po_1_ethnicity
- po_1_race
- po_1_gender_flag
- po_2_ethnicity
- po_2_race
- po_2_gender_flag
- po_3_ethnicity
- po_3_race
- po_3_gender_flag
- po_4_ethnicity
- po_4_race
- po_4_gender_flag
- When ‘number of principal owners’ equals 4, ‘ethnicity of principal owner 1, 2, 3, and 4’, ‘race of principal owner 1, 2, 3, and 4’, and ‘sex/gender of principal owner 1, 2, 3, and 4: NP flag’ should not be blank.
IF num_principal_owners is equal to 4 THEN IF (po_1_ethnicity, po_1_race, po_1_gender_flag, po_2_ethnicity, po_2_race, po_2_gender_flag, po_3_ethnicity, po_3_race, po_3_gender_flag, po_4_ethnicity, po_4_race, OR po_4_gender_flag) is blank THEN Warning ENDIF ENDIF
5. Where to get help
Resources to help industry understand and comply with the small business lending rule are available on the CFPB’s website. Learn about complying with the small business lending rule.
You may also sign up for an email distribution list that the CFPB will use to announce future updates and additional resources as they become available. If you have a specific regulatory interpretation question about the small business lending rule after reviewing these resources, you can submit the question to the CFPB on its website.
6. Paperwork Reduction Act
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and, notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3170-0013. It expires on November 30, 2025. The obligation to respond to this collection of information is mandatory under section 704B of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 15 U.S.C. 1691c-2, as implemented by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Regulation B, 12 CFR part 1002. Comments regarding this collection of information, including the estimated response time, suggestions for improving the usefulness of the information, or suggestions for reducing the burden to respond to this collection should be submitted to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552, or by email to [email protected].