FY 2017 FAIR Act inventory data
The Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Inventory is required by the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-270) and OMB Circular A-76 - Competitive Sourcing. The Inventory is prepared annually by the Office of Human Capital (OHC). The Inventory depicts the CFPB’s workforce by functions (or activities) performed by Bureau employees. The Inventory further breaks down these activities into Inherently Governmental (activities that can only be performed by a Federal employee) and Commercial (Activities that can be performed by Federal or contract employees) categories. The number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) is also displayed by location.
Under Section 3 of the FAIR Act, our decision to include or exclude a particular activity from the Commercial Activities Inventory is subject to an appeal by an "interested party." Section 3(b) of the FAIR Act defines "interested party" as:
- A private sector source that is:
- An actual or prospective offer for any contract or other form of agreement to perform the activity; and
- Has a direct economic interest in performing the activity that would be adversely affected by a determination not to procure the performance of the activity from a private sector source.
- A representative of any business or professional association that includes within its membership private sector sources referred to in 1 above.
- An officer or employee of an organization within an executive agency that is an actual or prospective offer to perform the activity.
- The head of any labor organization referred to in section 7103(a)(4) of title 5, United States Code that includes within its membership officers or employees of an organization referred to in 3 above.
We will make a decision on your challenge and notify you in writing within 28 working days after receiving the challenge. The notification will include a discussion of the rationale for the decision and, if the decision is adverse, an explanation of your right to file an appeal.
Please send your challenges to:
FAIR Act Challenges
Attn: Roland Jacob
Office of Human Capital
Room 3026
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
1700 G St NW
Washington, DC 20552
You may also send challenges by email to [email protected].
If you have questions, please contact Roland Jacob by telephone at 202-435-9625.