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Credit card agreement database

The CFPB maintains a database of credit card agreements from hundreds of card issuers. Using the tool below, you can search for an agreement by the name of the issuer.

Show agreements by card issuer

Can't find an issuer?

This search method accesses all credit card agreements as of the CFPB’s most recent quarterly collection of credit card agreements. To access all agreements from the most recent or earlier periods, please click on the relevant agreement link below. (Please note that the Bureau did not collect agreements for 2015. The January 2016 archive is a sample that was collected by Bureau staff from the publicly-available websites of the largest credit card issuers as of the first week of January 2016, and does not constitute a full set of agreements). Credit card issuers are generally required to post the credit card agreements that they offer to the public on their websites, with limited exceptions. If you are an issuer, email [email protected] for agreement submission instructions.

View the credit card agreement archive

Looking for your own credit card agreement?

We have provided this database so you can search for agreements between credit card issuers and their customers. The agreements in this database have general terms and conditions, pricing, and fee information.

If you are looking for information specific to your account, contact the bank or institution that issued your card. By law, the issuer must make your agreement available to you upon request. If you are having trouble getting your agreement, let us know by submitting a complaint.

College credit card agreements

We have collected credit card issuer marketing agreements with universities or affiliated organizations. We are also required to report to Congress on the state of college credit card agreements.

View college credit card agreements information

Can't find an issuer?

The drop-down list contains credit card issuers that have submitted credit card agreements as required under Section 204 of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (the CARD Act). If you cannot find a card issuer, it may be that:

  • The issuer has not yet submitted its agreements to the Federal Reserve Board;
  • The issuer has fewer than 10,000 accounts and does not have to submit its agreements; or
  • The name that you are looking for is not the actual issuer's name (for example, "ABC Card" is issued by XYZ Bank).

If none of these reasons apply and you still cannot find an agreement, call them to request a copy of your agreement. Under federal law, your credit card issuer is required to provide a copy of your agreement upon request.

Look on the back of the credit card or on your latest monthly statement to find the name of the issuer. The bank, retailer, or other entity whose name appears on the front of the card may not be the actual issuer of the card. You can also check the issuer's website; typically, the bank name is listed at the bottom of the issuer's homepage.

Go back to issuer selection

Database disclaimer

We will display the consumer credit card agreements in this database as the respective issuers submitted them. The CFPB is not responsible for the content of the agreements, including any discrepancies between an agreement as presented in this database and the agreement as offered to the public, or for any omissions or other errors in the agreement as submitted by the issuer.

The agreements on file will have general terms and conditions, pricing, and fee information. They are not specific to an individual's account information.

If you have questions about the agreements themselves, contact the card issuer directly.