My lender says it can't lend to me because of a limit on points and fees on loans. Is this true?
- English
- Español
No. There are two things the CFPB's mortgage rules require lenders to do: document and determine your ability to repay the loan.
The mortgage rules only stop a lender from making a loan
when the borrower does not have the ability to repay the
loan. However, some lenders may choose to comply with the
rule by making only “Qualified Mortgages,” which do have caps on upfront points and fees.
To make sure borrowers don’t pay very high fees, a lender making a Qualified Mortgage can only charge up to the following upfront points and fees:
- For a loan of $100,000 or more: 3% of the total loan amount or less.
- For a loan of $60,000 to $100,000: $3,000 or less.
- For a loan of $20,000 to $60,000: 5% of the total loan amount or less.
- For a loan of $12,500 to $20,000: $1,000 or less.
- For a loan of $12,500 or less: 8% of the total loan amount or less.
Under the CFPB’s rules, only Qualified Mortgages have a limit on points and fees. Lenders are not required to make Qualified Mortgages, so they can charge higher points and fees if they choose.