Regional directors
Our Office of Supervision Examinations regional directors lead a staff of examiners who supervise the entities we regulate across the country to ensure they comply with federal consumer financial protection laws. The regional directors come from both the private and public sectors and bring extensive knowledge of consumer financial protection and regulatory compliance.
Each of our regional directors is responsible for leading a staff that consists of three assistant regional directors; more than 100 examiners; and a team of field managers, analysts, and administrative assistants.
Our four regional headquarters are located in:
- San Francisco
- Chicago
- New York
- Atlanta

Regional directors
West region (CA, NV, UT, CO, KS, AZ, NM, WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, NE, AK, HI, and GU)
Chris Kilian
Chris joined the CFPB in October 2011 and has served as an examiner, field supervisory manager and assistant regional director. Prior to joining the CFPB, Chris spent 16 years working in the financial services and auto industry as the Chief Compliance Officer for a community bank in Northern California, in retail banking management for a national bank, and as general manager of an automotive dealership. While working in the financial services industry, he worked with the California Bankers Association serving as a member of their Regulatory Compliance Committee. For many of these years, Chris volunteered his time working with local school districts in northern California to deliver experiential programs on the topics of financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship to students in middle school through high school.
Chris holds a B.A. degree in Business Administration from Baker College as well as a Master’s Degree in business from Southern Oregon University. He is a federally commissioned consumer protection examiner and holds the designation of Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM).
Midwest region (MN, IA, IL, MI, OH, IN, KY, MO, and WI)
John Schroeder
Before joining the CFPB, John served the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions (IDFI) for 23 years, most recently as the general counsel and deputy director of consumer credit. While at IDFI, he also served as bank examiner, senior bank analyst, review examiner, and supervisor of administration. In addition to his regulatory experience, John worked in the retail management area within the former Bank One and also as a corporate finance associate with Raffensperger Hughes and Company, a regional investment bank formerly headquartered in Indianapolis.
John is a graduate of the Indiana University Kelley School of Business and holds a JD from the Indiana University McKinney School of Law.
Northeast region (CT, DE, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, VI and PR)
Mitchell Kent
Mitchell joined the CFPB after serving at the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS), where he was director and counsel of the Consumer Examination Unit. At DFS, Mitchell managed a team of consumer compliance examiners in Community Reinvestment Act examinations and consumer compliance and fair lending examinations. Mitchell also served as the states' representative to the FFIEC Task Force on Consumer Compliance. Previously, Mitchell served as director of legislative policy and special counsel for the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs and before that as director of research for Chairman Max Baucus for the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. In this role, he drafted and guided into law Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Credit expansions during the 2001 tax cuts, resulting in billions of dollars more in refunds for low‐income families with children.
Mitchell graduated from Cornell University and holds a JD from the New York University School of Law.
Southeast region (AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, and WV)
Fatima Batie
Fatima joined the CFPB in April 2011. Prior to joining the CFPB, Fatima served the Washington Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) as a financial legal examiner and as a financial legal examiner supervisor managing a team of attorneys and examiners responsible for consumer compliance regulations and licensing. In addition to her regulatory experience, Fatima served the citizens of Scott County, Minnesota as a prosecutor, responsible for both juvenile and criminal prosecution as well as civil litigation.
Fatima graduated from Troy University with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science; Metropolitan State University with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting; and holds a JD from Drake University School of Law.