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Press Kit for the Know Before You Owe Mortgage Disclosure Rule

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act directed the CFPB to combine certain federal mortgage disclosures that consumers receive when taking out a mortgage. In November 2013, after extensive testing of the new forms, the CFPB finalized the combined, easier-to-understand new Know Before You Owe mortgage disclosures, the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure. Consumers applying for most mortgages on or after Oct. 3, 2015, will receive the new forms. The forms will better help them understand their options, choose the deal that’s best for them, and avoid costly surprises at the closing table.

Press can use any of the below resources for publication:

A copy of the Loan Estimate can be found at:

A copy of the Closing Disclosure can be found at:

The “Your Home Loan Toolkit” booklet can be found at:

A narrated video explaining the Know Before You Owe mortgage initiative, “Making the mortgage process easier for you,” can be found at:

Photos of users interacting with the new Know Before You Owe forms and the new CFPB tools can be found at:

A silent video of someone using the CFPB’s digital tools can be found at:

Know Before You Owe b-roll footage, which includes scenes of someone using the forms plus images of the forms and tools, can be found at:

A PDF handout, “A new rule makes the mortgage process easier for you,” which summarizes the new rule can be found at:

A PDF factsheet explaining “Will the new disclosures delay my closing?” can be found at:

An infographic about how the “New disclosures make the mortgage process easier for you” can be found at:

An infographic about how “Owning a Home can help you with every step of your home buying process” can be found at:

An infographic about how “Shopping for a mortgage can really pay off” can be found at:

An infographic about “3 things to do in the 3 days before you sign your mortgage” can be found at: