Not sure how to talk money with your kids? Start by playing to your strengths

You might have reasons that you haven’t yet started to talk about money with your children. It might feel awkward, boring, preachy, or difficult. You might not know where to start, or when it’s the right time. But you probably know it’s important to start.
We have tips to help
You can have conversations that build your child’s financial capability—in your own unique way.
Even if you don’t think of yourself as a money expert, you do have skills that you already use to navigate your financial life. Things you do naturally may be strengths you can share with your kids.
Are you:
A pro at researching new information and making plans
A math whiz who can calculate tricky problems on the
A savvy shopper who can recognize a good deal when you
see one
Chances are you shine in some of these areas and more. What’s your style? What are your strengths? Share them with your children.
Whether your children are in preschool, high school, or somewhere in between, you can help them start building the skills they’ll need to make financial decisions in the future.
Here are ways you can use the skills you already have to share valuable money lessons with your kids.
What you can show your young child: Planning, patience, and problem solving
Building block: Developing executive function
If math comes easily to you, you could show your
preschooler how you add up the grocery bill or how to
subtract 10 percent from the price of an item on

You could also:
Show your children the value of waiting patiently, so
they see that waiting in line at the store or the
playground will result in getting what they want.
Play a game like Chinese checkers that requires thinking
a few moves ahead.
Encourage your children to keep practicing at
something—maybe a sport, game, or musical instrument—to
help them build persistence.
Try some of our
conversation starters and activities for early
What you can show your preteen: Day-to-day habits, resisting sales pressure and peer pressure
Building block: Building financial habits and values
If you naturally make budgeting a priority, you could show your preteens how you set your budget and track your income and expenses.

You could also:
Show your kids how you shop around when you’re thinking
of buying something, so they get in the habit of
comparison shopping.
Let them in on your own personal money rules of the
road, like paying cash for things under $20 or waiting a
day instead of buying something on impulse.
Point out the advertisements around you. Ask your
children what the ads are selling and what makes them
work or not.
Try some of our
conversation starters and activities for middle
What you can show your teen: Researching options, making plans, and breaking them into achievable steps
Building block: Practicing money skills and decision-making
If investing is an important part of your financial life, you could talk to your teenagers about comparing investment types and the power of compounding interest.

You could also:
Talk about your working life and how you prepared for
it. Discuss how you balance work, home, and other
Show your children how you manage debt, borrowing, and
credit cards so they understand how loans work, what
they cost, and where they may fit into their financial
Demonstrate how you protect your privacy online and how
to guard against digital scams.
Try some of our
conversation starters and activities for young
More ways to build money habits, skills, and attitudes
With Money as You Grow, you can see ideas for applying the building blocks of financial development in your everyday conversations—for children of all ages.
You can also join our challenge to try one new thing to grow your child’s money skills.