This month’s Money as You Grow book club pick: "Curious George Saves His Pennies"
Read "Curious George Saves His Pennies" with your child and
use our Parent Guide to help you talk about making choices
and showing self-control.

The next Money as You Grow book club selection is "Curious George Saves His Pennies," by Margret and H. A. Rey, for ages 4 to 7. In the book, Curious George works hard to save up money for a toy he wants, but then he loses his piggy bank on the way to the toy store. Fortunately, he gets it back and he shows his gratitude by doing something nice for the person who returned it to him.
In the Parent Guide for "Curious George Saves His Pennies," you’ll find questions you can ask your child about the story as well as interactive activities based on the book. For young children, it’s important to build foundational skills like waiting for what they want. You might ask about things your child could do to save up money or plan ahead for something he or she wants. Slightly older children, up to age 10, may be curious about how you might expect them to act if they lose or find something valuable.
Here are some key takeaways that you can share with your child as you read:
- Developing patience
- Making tradeoffs
- Decision making
The Money as You Grow book club gives parents and caregivers a natural way to start money conversations with children. You can read the Money as You Grow book club selections at home on your own. Use our Parent Guides for key ideas, questions, and activities.
You can also join a book club at your local library or start a book club yourself. Download our Implementation Guide to get started!