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Helping more consumers use our services in other languages

We’re working to reach more people with our services and information, and we could use your help.

About 24 million people in the United States say they don’t speak English “very well,” according to the Census Bureau. In this group, people are likely to be more comfortable with Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese), French, Haitian Créole, Tagalog, Korean, or Vietnamese—the most commonly spoken languages in the United States other than English. We know that financial products and services can be confusing even for native English speakers, and for those who primarily use another language, navigating the marketplace can be even harder.

We’re proposing a Language Access Plan , as part of our public commitment to providing services and information in languages other than English. With more information available in their native language, more people can avoid confusion, mistakes, and even fraud.

Our proposed Language Access Plan is now available for review and comment. In addition, you can provide feedback on specific areas where we want to connect with consumers who use a language other than English. Your input can help us improve how we:

Explain consumer protections Provide access to our complaint system Communicate during supervision and enforcement actions Distribute consumer guides and tools Use online communities and social media Reach out through community organizations

You’re welcome to comment on our proposed Language Access Plan and related programs and activities until January 6, 2015. If you work with consumers who primarily use a language other than English, we encourage you to participate and share your comments.