Did you miss our #MoneyTalk on Twitter?
Earlier this week, we hosted a Twitter chat along with Kids.gov. Financial experts, authors, and parents joined the #MoneyTalk and shared ideas and resources for talking to kids about money.
One question we saw frequently had to do with bringing up the topic of money for young kids. There were great ideas and suggestions in the chat. One thing you can try the next time you’re at the store is showing them the price tags and discussing how much their favorite foods cost. Let them watch as you check out, and if you pay in cash, let them hand the money to the cashier and receive the change.
Several folks brought up the idea of using games to teach preschoolers. Make it a fun learning experience and dump a pile of change in the middle of the floor and count pennies. Make stacks of five and explain that a stack is equal to one nickel, or that five stacks are equal to a quarter.
Other popular questions were about teaching teenagers about credit. It’s a subject that can be confusing even for adults, but here are some things to cover when introducing your teenager to credit. And, before your kid gets ready to leave the nest, here are ways to talk to them about saving and investing.
The most popular question was about finding ways to teach kids to save. We shared a fun way to do that using Pinterest.
There are many great ways to have the #MoneyTalk with your kids and we encourage you to start that conversation and keep it going.
Share your stories on Twitter and Pinterest using the hashtag #MoneyTalk!