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Checks sent to consumers harassed by Yorba Capital Management

Obtaining consumer redress is a top priority in any enforcement action, and when the CFPB enforces the law, we or a court may require the person or company to compensate its victims for this harm by providing consumer redress out of its own funds. In certain circumstances, when the person or company doesn’t have sufficient funds, however, the CFPB uses a victims relief fund (also known as the Civil Penalty Fund) to compensate victims who haven’t received full compensation for their harm through redress paid by the defendant in their case. Learn more about the victims relief fund and other distributions.

In September 2022, more than 8,000 people will receive checks after being falsely threatened with legal action by the debt collector Yorba Capital Management from January 2017 until early April 2020. The checks are being sent from Rust Consulting.

If you have questions related to the case, you can call 1-833-539-2844 (toll-free) or email [email protected].

The CFPB will never ask you for money to process victim compensation. Learn how to make sure that a check from the CFPB is real.

Details about the victims relief fund distribution against Yorba Capital Management

Case: 2021-CFPB-0001

Number of consumers impacted: 8,410

Total distribution amount: $859,922.50

In April 2021, the CFPB issued a consent order against Yorba Capital Management, LLC and its former owner, Daniel Portilla, Jr., for violating both the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (CFPA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The consent order permanently banned both Yorba and Portilla from the debt collection business and ordered restitution and penalties. Read more about the order.

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