You’re invited: Banking on campus
Join us for a discussion on financial products marketed to college students:
1:30 p.m. EDT Monday, September 30 Washington, D.C.
Earlier this year, we published a notice asking about student checking accounts, debit cards, and other financial products. We heard from students, schools, and financial institutions about a range of issues. At the forum, we’ll present some of our findings about what we’ve learned. We’ll also hear from industry, student advocates, and the higher education community.
While we’ve reached capacity for in-person attendance, you can watch the event live on our website. Here’s how you can participate:
Facebook and Twitter: Comment on our Facebook page and tweet at us with #bankingoncampus during the discussion, and we may read your question or comment aloud. Video submissions: Can’t participate during the event? We’re collecting video submissions in advance of the forum. Simply upload your comment to YouTube and send the link with the subject line “Video submission” to [email protected]. All video submissions should be less than 2 minutes in length and must be submitted before Sunday, September 29. We may play videos at the event and make submissions available online.Credentialed media should RSVP to [email protected].