The 2014 CFPB Ombudsman’s Office annual report
Today, I want to share with you the CFPB Ombudsman’s third annual report, which I delivered to Director Cordray. For those people not familiar with our role, we are an independent, impartial, and confidential resource that assists consumers and companies in informally resolving issues with the CFPB.
We have a new section in our report called the Ombudsman in practice. It describes some of the ways in which we can assist, highlights issues we heard this year from consumer groups, trade groups, and from individual inquiries, and shares examples that demonstrate how we work in practice.
You’ll also find our discussion and any accompanying recommendations on two topics: CFPB information sharing on public actions and redress, and how the CFPB learns about industry developments.
In addition, new this year we have a quick reference sheet with information about our office, including when we can assist and how we can be reached.
We welcome you to connect with us on topics that we have shared in our report at [email protected].
Wendy Kamenshine is the Ombudsman for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.